@mtf Tell us one of your of your most Gender Affirming Experiences you’ve had :3

  • @RavindraNemandi@ttrpg.network
    1521 days ago

    I recently reconnected with an ex after coming out and we have become good friends again. It feels so good to have a close female friend, but there is one moment in particular that sticks with me. We were talking about relationships and stuff and i was unsure if i should tell a saucy story and she said “omg tell me everything. You’re one of the girlies now!” I nearly cried. I think about that comment all the time.

    • Trans Pride Southampton :v_tg:OP
      521 days ago

      Awww, that’s so cute, it’s always great when you get accepted by people. Even more so when they were someone you knew before coming out.