• @manicdave@feddit.ukOP
    4325 days ago

    There’s some weird witch hunt going on against Dessalines on there. I don’t agree with him on everything, but them trying to hound him out for being a communist, whilst using software he made because he’s a communist is kinda funny.

    • Tarquinn2049
      2125 days ago

      Him being communist isn’t the problem, throwing his weight around unnecessarily is what is upsetting people. And he just keeps doing it. Like he just gets in a mood and decides to ban a bunch of people for fake violations they didn’t actually do. It’s all logged and people with high enough status can see the logs. He goes on tirades.

    • r00ty
      925 days ago

      I always saw open source as more socialist than specifically communist. Similar to volunteering in your community. Except the community is the whole world, and you don’t need to leave your house. Bonus!

      • @manicdave@feddit.ukOP
        1225 days ago

        To be honest I’d say it’s more similar to anarchism than socialism. Anarchism is voluntarist whilst socialism demands state power first. Both are ideally paths to communism* though so I’m going to say “communism” 'cause it annoys the most people.

        communism as in post capitalist, post state utopia, not Stalinism*