• @verstra@programming.dev
    2525 days ago

    programming.dev does not get it. Can you explain?

    It is kinda obvious that maxist ideas are aligned with the open source ideas. Are they very much against commies?

    • @manicdave@feddit.ukOP
      4325 days ago

      There’s some weird witch hunt going on against Dessalines on there. I don’t agree with him on everything, but them trying to hound him out for being a communist, whilst using software he made because he’s a communist is kinda funny.

      • Tarquinn2049
        2125 days ago

        Him being communist isn’t the problem, throwing his weight around unnecessarily is what is upsetting people. And he just keeps doing it. Like he just gets in a mood and decides to ban a bunch of people for fake violations they didn’t actually do. It’s all logged and people with high enough status can see the logs. He goes on tirades.

      • r00ty
        925 days ago

        I always saw open source as more socialist than specifically communist. Similar to volunteering in your community. Except the community is the whole world, and you don’t need to leave your house. Bonus!

        • @manicdave@feddit.ukOP
          1225 days ago

          To be honest I’d say it’s more similar to anarchism than socialism. Anarchism is voluntarist whilst socialism demands state power first. Both are ideally paths to communism* though so I’m going to say “communism” 'cause it annoys the most people.

          communism as in post capitalist, post state utopia, not Stalinism*

    • @pjwestin@lemmy.world
      25 days ago

      Not exactly. This started yesterday, when a user accused mods on .ml of, “tankie censorship,” (meaning censorship by tankies, not of tankies). He also came with some pretty good receipts that appear to show .ml mods removing criticism of China that, whether you agree with it or not, didn’t seem to violate any rules, and was well within the bounds of what most people would consider civil discourse. He also claims to have received bans from all of the .ml communities he’d ever participated in for pointing this bias out. It’s possible he’s presenting all of this with his own slant, but what he showed seems legit, and I’m not sure he could have provided more evidence without encouraging brigading.

      This is now starting to snowball, with users starting to call for defederating from .ml. One .world user also posted on .cafe about Dessalines previous tankie comments, while another user has posted about finding replacements for the largest .ml communities.

      So, saying what’s happing on .world is anti-communist isn’t accurate, as most the criticism has been anti-tankie. However, .world has a much higher level of liberals than most of Lemmy (they created a little echo chamber for themselves on Political Memes), and most of them are incapable or unwilling to understand the difference between a tankies and communists (or tankies and leftists…or tankies and criticism of Biden…). So, it will probably only be a matter of time before this group tries to blur the line between valid criticism of baised moderation from authoritarian apologists to general criticism of leftists.

      So, tl;dr: .world isn’t broadly anti-communist, but a large portion of the community is upset about what appears to be biased moderation from tankie .ml mods, and there is a small contingent of .world liberals who I’m sure will take this opportunity to bash anyone to their left.

      • @Cowbee@lemmy.ml
        24 days ago

        The problem with this is that “Tankie” is a sliding target, including all Marxists. If you claim to only have a problem with Tankies, not all Marxists, but do your best to attack the majority of Marxists, does that mean the majority of Marxists are Tankies, or that .world has become an anticommunist instance?

        I’d say this will only end up creating a multipolar Lemmy. Dessalines has already stated that .ml will not be the first to defed, as they believe in an interconnected Lemmy. However, the target boogyman for .worlders has shifted from Grad, to Hexbear, to now .ml. After .world finally defeds from .ml, will they shift towards db0? Lemm.ee, perhaps? Who knows.

        This isn’t the first time this has happened, haha.

        • Count Regal Inkwell
          724 days ago

          Tankie used to have a specific and clear meaning

          But then people not in the know learned the word without caring what it meant

          So now it just means “guy that I think is an asshole (leftist beliefs optional but expected)”

        • @orsetto@lemmy.dbzer0.com
          724 days ago

          Honestly i wouldn’t mind. Users on .world that don’t want a butt load of defederations will probably (and hopefully) move to another instance, whilst the rest of lemmy will be free from all the liberals uncapable of discriminating between communists and tankies

          • @barsquid@lemmy.world
            324 days ago

            And .world would be free of all the communists incapable of discriminating between communists and tankies. Everyone wins.

        • @pjwestin@lemmy.world
          724 days ago

          I really only started to see the meaning of tankie start sliding once I got to Lemmy, and it goes in two directions; tankies who swear they aren’t tankies, they just have a lot of feelings about why the Uyghurs aren’t being mistreated, and liberals who literally think tankie is a synonym for leftist. (Seriously, if Lemmy has one unforgivable sin, it’s introducing the, “but her emails,” crowd to the word tankie.) Personally, I don’t care if I get tankies in my feed, but I’m not OK with instances that censor opinions they don’t like (I mean, assuming they’re not bigoted). Those mod logs are pretty damning, I’d like to hear from the .ml mods why they felt those weren’t legitimate discourse.

          Honestly, my real takeaway from this whole mess is that it’s really dispelled the myth of federation as a silver bullet for all of social media’s ills. Federation was sold to me as a solution to overly-large internet communities, since federation would stop single communities from becoming too powerful, and communities could simply be defederated if they didn’t get along. Meanwhile, .world is whining that .ml’s communities are too large and important to lose, while .ml is bitching that .world defederating would be egregious and unreasonable. The whole thing feels more like a flame war between some large subreddits than the glorious online utopia that I was told federation would bring us. Actually, it feels a lot like the schism that started when r/antiwork fell apart.

          • @Cowbee@lemmy.ml
            524 days ago

            I don’t think .ml is whining about .world defeding, more like thinking it would be goofy, but expecting it.

          • I really only started to see the meaning of tankie start sliding once I got to Lemmy, and it goes in two directions; tankies who swear they aren’t tankies, they just have a lot of feelings about why the Uyghurs aren’t being mistreated, and liberals who literally think tankie is a synonym for leftist.

            This was already happening in Reddit roughly 2 years ago.

        • @DAMunzy@lemmy.dbzer0.com
          24 days ago

          Wasn’t it .world that defed from db0 already (but later added it back) because of the piracy support? Or maybe that was .ee? When that happened I moved from that instance to here.

      • @DAMunzy@lemmy.dbzer0.com
        524 days ago

        I love being able to block individual people. I’ve seen much less “pro-Biden a vote not for Biden is a vote for Trump” political compass meme shit lately because of that.

        • @DriftinGrifter
          524 days ago

          time to block me because not voting for biden increases the ods of trump getting in office

          • @bloodfart@lemmy.ml
            123 days ago

            Do you think trump is going to accept being declared the loser this time?

            Last time some people tried to reverse the election results.

            This time they’ve got a plan to harness the administrative states power once they get the presidency. Do you think there hasn’t been an equal amount of planning what to do to stop the steal a second time?

        • @barsquid@lemmy.world
          424 days ago

          You better block me as well. I don’t know why we should help support Bibi’s favorite candidate by doing exactly what Repubs want and voting for someone who barely broke 1% of the popular vote. I guess people really want more far-right theocratic judges who are blatantly unqualified and corrupt?

          • @bloodfart@lemmy.ml
            523 days ago

            I’ll bite. The democrats aren’t listening to us, we have two options: not support them in the election or (it was surprising to see this one end up in the news recently) an appeal to heaven.

            If you think trump is too much of a threat, that the president we already had will destroy democracy and there won’t be a 2028 election, that the most important thing is to keep out a candidate who didn’t accept it the last time he was declared the loser of an election and has had four years to prepare for this one as evidenced by project 2024, stop trying to get people to vote for the democrats and start stockpiling ammunition and training to oppose trump supporters in the streets instead.

            • @barsquid@lemmy.world
              323 days ago

              SCOTUS is right now still somehow deliberating on whether a president is allowed to Night of the Long Knives or not. SCOTUS is already taking away rights from my friends and neighbors. You may be privileged enough to pretend it won’t affect you, I guess.

              You think you aren’t being heard now, it isn’t going to improve under a fascist regime that ends voting with their Project 2025 shit. Have you not been paying attention to how Repubs have dealt with protesters? Yeah, becoming an armed insurgent would be the only option for change remaining once it gets to that point.

              That’s cool, though, you do you.

              • @bloodfart@lemmy.ml
                523 days ago

                Wait, the unelected branches of government are restricting rights of minorities and giving power to the executive branch now but we won’t have fascism to fight against until this one guy wins an election?

                What happened last time he wasn’t declared the winner of an election? What makes you think that wouldn’t be a concern this time around? How do you square that with the degree of preparation that went into project 2025?

                Let me make my thesis crystal clear: if you believe that trump will usher in American fascism and you recognize that he won’t accept the results of the election, you don’t need to get people to vote for Biden to make sure the results of the election aren’t in favor of trump, you need to prepare to physically confront trump supporters in the streets with guns and training to prevent a for real this time coup.

                I’m not saying that to get you to go out and buy an ar-15 and a plate carrier (although you should, theyre not getting any cheaper), but to get you to recognize the absurdity of holding all those beliefs together.

                • @barsquid@lemmy.world
                  323 days ago

                  I do think that’s a concern this time around. I think the best chance at stopping it is not giving him the legal right to take office, and not giving him a blank check to Long Knife whomever he wants.

                  Yeah, I guess I see your point also. Assume the country will be attacked either way. Get ready to defend myself if not fight for it. I don’t disagree.

                  I still remain unconvinced that it is a good move to throw a vote away instead of casting it against Donald.

                  • @bloodfart@lemmy.ml
                    223 days ago

                    It’s pretty ahistorical to suggest that the law is a shield against fascism. Even if it weren’t, you came out of the gate saying that the judiciary, the organ of government which interprets the laws, is already fascist.

                    Rather than accepting the idea that you need to become a new type of fighting true patriot, armed, ready and able to defend the country against its enemies, I had hoped you would see that the government isn’t worth defending and that the future you want can’t be delivered by it no matter which of the two major parties is in power.

                    If a person accepted that reality it’s no big leap to vote for a party they actually support, considering that party will benefit from event and ballot presence, media appearances, public awareness and funding due directly to the ballots cast for them this go round even if they don’t win.

                    Of course that means voting for a party, not a person. I have been throwing the party for socialism and liberation out there because it represents my own politics and ideas, but there are others.

          • @DAMunzy@lemmy.dbzer0.com
            323 days ago

            Your Savior, Genocide Joe, had the ability to put more people in the Supreme Court but he didn’t. Stop with the bullshit.

            You support genocide.

            Wish granted.

            • @barsquid@lemmy.world
              323 days ago

              Thought you were blocking us? Keep helping Bibi’s preferred candidate, great work. When the killing accelerates even faster you can pat yourself on the back.

      • _donnadie_
        23 days ago

        there is a small contingent of .world liberals who I’m sure will take this opportunity to bash anyone to their left.

        They are very active though, and they don’t lose their chance to mention and antagonize .ml, which I think is kind of shitty. It happens even in threads where people are commenting about stuff unrelated to politics. lemmy.world is constantly looking for targets to defederate from.

        edit: I’d like to mention that I’m not disagreeing with you, I’m just giving my perspective on it.

        • @pjwestin@lemmy.world
          223 days ago

          Oh, yeah, they’re a very loud, obnoxious little group, and removing users that are only interested in picking fights is perfectly valid. But the screenshots from the original post really only seemed to be talking about China’s censorship of Tiananmen Square, and while it’s impossible to say without of context, their tone really didn’t seem to be combative. They just seemed to be expressing opinions about China that didn’t align with the .ml mods’ beliefs, and that’s troubling.

          What’s more, Dessalines gave a response that’s kinda telling about all this. A user called .ml out on censorship (in a very respectful tone), and Dessalines basically replied saying asking questions is OK when it’s done in good faith, but a lot of people only ask them to start fights. When the user replied that he was actually talking about people being censored for expressing opinions in good faith that run counter to .ml mods beliefs, Dessalines chose not to reply.

          I really seems like .ml wants to remove opinions that run contrary to the mods beliefs about communism. If that is the case, fair enough, but then maybe it does make sense for instances that don’t moderate that way to defederate. I don’t want to worry about policing myself on a bunch of the communities in my feed because I might get banned for my opinion on a news story.

          Maybe these fears are unfounded, and this whole thing is being blown out of proportion, but none of the .ml mods have addressed the original post yet. Dessalines has left several comments on the Ask Lemmy post Are You a Tankie, but he’s chosen not to reply to the censorship claim. Given the silence, I have to assume the worst.

    • @Cowbee@lemmy.ml
      3225 days ago

      .world is basically Reddit 2, but filled with the most radical liberals that specifically want to not be exposed to leftist instances, even db0 has a tenuous relation with them.

      .world is constantly on anticommunist witch hunts, and now that Lemmygrad and Hexbear are not visible to them thanks to defederation, .ml is the last large Marxist-aligned instance they can see, so it’s the new boogeyman.

      One of them tried to tell me Lemmy is Capitalist because posting is value, lmao

        • @Cowbee@lemmy.ml
          524 days ago

          Which part? Posting being value? They tried to use Marx’ Labor Theory of Value to say that because admins aren’t decided democratically, and posting is labor and therefore creates Value, Lemmy is Capitalist.

          This is, in fact, ridiculous, because Lemmy has a Use-Value but no Exchange-Value. Posting isn’t labor, and anyone can fork it.

    • @A_Very_Big_Fan@lemmy.world
      724 days ago

      Are they very much against commies?

      We’re not, OP is just butthurt about Their Guy™ getting publicly dunked on for tankie branded censorship

      • @Cowbee@lemmy.ml
        23 days ago

        Cool, then unblock Hexbear and Lemmygrad.

        You can’t have it both ways, either you’re against Communism or you aren’t, and blocking every overtly Communist instance makes it obvious.

        There’s nothing wrong with running things how you want to, but please keep a consistent line or this drama will just move on to a new target, like dbzer0 after .world finally commits to defederating.

          • @Cowbee@lemmy.ml
            23 days ago

            Is that why Hexbear and Lemmygrad were blocked? Hexbear being one of the largest and most active overtly trans-positive instances, and Lemmygrad being the largest explicitly Marxist Instance?

            You’re just calling them pedophiles now rather than even entertain the idea that .world just doesn’t like Communists.

            You’re treating Communism like liberals treat gay people, fine and supportive until they actually have to see gay people and complain about representation in TV and movies.

            • @zbyte64@awful.systems
              523 days ago

              Is that why Hexbear and Lemmygrad were blocked? Hexbear being one of the largest and most active overtly trans-positive instances, and Lemmygrad being the largest explicitly Marxist Instance?

              Blocked for being antisocial? Yes. If it was about being trans then Blahaj would have been blocked a long time ago.

              If anything, I’m complaining about bad communist tropes dominating the media representation, and by that I mean leninists.

              • @Cowbee@lemmy.ml
                323 days ago

                It isn’t a trope if the vast majority of Marxists also agree with Lenin worldwide, lmao.

                It’s blatantly anticommunism, not just because people are “antisocial.” You’re like a republican with a token gay friend that complains about the LGBTQ community dominating everything these days, lol. It’s sad, just own up to being anticommunist.

                • @zbyte64@awful.systems
                  23 days ago

                  When I say antisocial behavior I’m not talking about ideology but historical actions like banning people posting literal facts about tiananmen or any other historical event. When responses fail to acknowledge actual history that is brought up, then it is likely working from a reactionary framework.

                  • @Cowbee@lemmy.ml
                    223 days ago

                    Then ban the users, don’t defed. As it stands, .world is anticommunist and censors all communists it can.

          • @Cowbee@lemmy.ml
            23 days ago

            What separates a Marxist from a tankie? Are Anarchists tankies?

            There are no .world communities for Communism, Socialism, or Marxism, so all of the Marxists who wish to contribute must do it on instances like Lemmy.ml, Lemmygrad.ml, Hexbear.net, or dbzer0. Lemmy.world deliberately blocking their users from contributing or even seeing Hexbear or Lemmygrad, and possibly soon even Lemmy.ml, is censorship of Marxists from its own users.

            Or is there a secret commie gathering in .world I don’t know about?

              • @Cowbee@lemmy.ml
                23 days ago

                What Marxists get the pass, and which don’t?

                There are no .world communities for Communism, Socialism, or Marxism, so all of the Marxists who wish to contribute must do it on instances like Lemmy.ml, Lemmygrad.ml, Hexbear.net, or dbzer0. Lemmy.world deliberately blocking their users from contributing or even seeing Hexbear or Lemmygrad, and possibly soon even Lemmy.ml, is censorship of Marxists from its own users.

                Return2ozma got banned on Lemmy.world for criticizing Biden.

                Or is there a secret commie gathering in .world I don’t know about?

                • @A_Very_Big_Fan@lemmy.world
                  323 days ago

                  What Marxists get the pass, and which don’t?

                  Non-authoritarians and authoritarians respectively. It’s not that complicated.

                  There are no .world communities for Communism

                  Did you seriously not even look? Or do you not understand how the fediverse works

                  Return2ozma got banned on Lemmy.world for criticizing Biden.


                  • @Cowbee@lemmy.ml
                    323 days ago

                    What’s the metric to determine between authoritarian and non-authoritarian? Marx and Engels both considered themselves Authoritarian.

                    1 community with 1 post? Certainly seems like a community welcoming to Marxists! Show me a Marxist community on Lemmy.world that actually has participants, lol.

                    My point is that the biggest and most active communities are on instances either blocked by .world or are threatened to be.

                    You can see why Return2Ozma was banned, your admin admitted to it.

                    You’re goofy.