If you are having issues finding housing as a trans person or would like to help others, consider joining this new matrix chat room.

I’ve recently been helping some folks with their housing needs and thought that creating a network could be incredibly helpful. By pooling our resources, whether it’s sharing links, tips, or even just advice, we can support each other more effectively. ❤️

We have a privacy-focused collaborative document to organize our resources and ideas. It’ll grow over time. 📄

Let’s make this a supportive space for everyone! 🌸

Sharing and updoots appreciated! bee flag trans emoji

  • @cannibalkitteh
    151 month ago

    Some concerns… Providing housing is a position of power, and inviting a relative stranger into your home requires trust. While I firmly believe that most folks are well-intentioned, the possibility of abuse is there.

    • cowboycrustation [he/him]
      1 month ago

      Unfortunately that is true, but there’s really not an alternative for a lot of the people who need help. Sometimes it’s a matter of trusting strangers vs being out on the streets. This is a good thing to have for those people.

      • @cannibalkitteh
        51 month ago

        Yep, I’d agree that overall, this is a good thing, and I maybe came off a bit more negative than I’d meant.

        • EliseOP
          31 month ago

          I imagine a lot of people are already in such a situation right now.

    • EliseOP
      1 month ago

      Thanks for sharing. I’ll be sure to bring it up so perhaps we’ll be able to avoid it as much as possible.

      If you have any actionable ideas? As in what to watch out for. Or perhaps any resources related to this topic.