There are no ethical choices under first-past-the-post voting. We must instead make a decision that reduces the most harm.

  • @ToastedPlanetOP
    12 months ago

    You do not speak for me. I am social democrat. We need the market economy of capitalism. We just don’t need share holders or private business owners.

      • @ToastedPlanetOP
        12 months ago

        Social democracy. Trying to tell me what I believe with an arbitrary system of rigid definitions is both ineffective and easily refuted argument.

          22 months ago

          I’m aware of what you believe, I am also aware of what the systems that describe your beliefs are referred to by everyone else.

          I am not telling you what you believe, but what the label is.

          • @ToastedPlanetOP
            12 months ago

            I recommend a descriptive approach to definitions as opposed to a prescriptive approach. I think that would resolve a lot of the discourse we are having. I have explained what I mean in my argument. Your argument centers on this false idea that definitions can limit what a person thinks and believes. But definitions are only as useful as they help us communicate.