TLDR: StartAllBack, ExplorerPatcher and some other projects are being blocked on 24H2.

One more reason to switch to Linux

  • fadingembers
    13 months ago

    What distro did you end up on?

    • @LadyAutumn
      23 months ago

      I wound up on arch :) I used mint for a while, and used to use Ubuntu and Mint a lot when I was in high school. But there were a lot of features of each I didn’t want and wanted an option to opt out of. Arch had a learning curve to it, just becoming accustomed to working with rolling release software.

      And like I play games and run media servers and a lot else off of this one desktop. I really don’t feel limited by it at all, except in cases like fortnite not allowing people to play on Linux even though it’s completely possible to do so.

      • fadingembers
        23 months ago

        I have a feeling I’m going to end up being an arch girl xD

        • @LadyAutumn
          23 months ago

          Hahaha it’s my fav 😂 my partner just thinks I’m dorky about it lmao