I’m curious about the makeup of this community. Might make a graph later.

  • cowboycrustation [he/him]OPM
    63 months ago

    There’s always going low dose and ramping it up when you leave. Low dose is more gradual and less people will notice as quickly, and you may get some of the mental health benefits from it.

    • @Zorsith
      33 months ago

      I’d like to but it would very much impact my job and, depending on the next president, put a big ass target on my back (health insurance through gov employment).

        • @Zorsith
          3 months ago

          It’s fine tbh, not like male puberty hasn’t already had its way with me. Costs me little to nothing to wait, and this job is being great for experience building. Already made it this far 😜 Plus I’m ALMOST at the 3 year mark, which I’m told can make getting hired for gov jobs easier in the future.

          Edit: in the mean time I can lose weight and get a bit more fit, develop good exercise habits, eat healthier, etc.