Just to be clear, this was an elderly Palestinian man cowering under a bed who came out with his hands up and was murdered by an Israeli soldier who brags about it after.

  • @Guydht@lemmy.world
    44 months ago

    To be fair, that area is considered an active war zone, and all civillians knew that way ahead of the invasion.

    If it was intentional, fuck him. But if it was by mistake and as a precaution against Hamas (who are known to wear civilian clothes) - then you really can’t blame them for not wanting to be ambushed.

    How are ya’ll expecting an army to act in a war zone?

    • @NotBillMurray@lemmy.world
      434 months ago

      “Hey man, your house is a war zone now, you should leave”

      “Cool, can I leave to a safe place?”

      “Well no, we’ll shoot you as you’re leaving, bomb refugee camps, and prevent foreign aid from reaching you.”

      “Cool cool, guess I’ll go fuck myself then.”

      • @Guydht@lemmy.world
        14 months ago

        “Oh then I guess I’ll just won’t leave my home and wait for certain death to come to me”

        Bro WHAT. How is it even the IDF’s responsibility to provide safe spaces in Gaza? Did Hamas provide “safe spaces” on 7/10? Did Hezbollah provide “safe spaces” before bombing houses? No one expects them to do anything before attacking, but everyone expects Israel to not only tell before an attack to evacuate, but to secure that evacuation place. That’s such hypocrisy.

        • @NotBillMurray@lemmy.world
          84 months ago

          My guy, my lad, my beautiful baby boy! One side is a terrorist organization, the other is (supposed to be) a government. No one sane has said that Israel cannot defend itself, or that the events of October weren’t anything but horrific. What we are saying is that indiscriminately killing civilians in mass is wrong, full stop. Israel is systematically targeting Palestinians, and I can think that is wrong at the same time as thinking Hamas needs to be stopped.

    • @cman6@lemmy.world
      334 months ago

      From the article / post: " The soldier who fired the shots describes entering the home and encountering only one unarmed Palestinian, gesturing and saying, ‘No, no.’ "

      He openly admits to shooting an unarmed Palestinian man.

      • @Guydht@lemmy.world
        14 months ago

        Again, if it was as a precaution against an ambush (which is known to be basically the only way Hamas fights) then you can’t blame him.

        That man is poor for being in that spot, but what legit what can you expect from soldiers in a war zone where every day an ambush happens.

        • @NotBillMurray@lemmy.world
          84 months ago

          Not shooting civilians. Soldiers have ROE for a reason. Either he was a fucking idiot in which case he should be court martialed, or the ROE allowed for shooting civilians in which case the Hague should get involved.

    • @Maggoty@lemmy.world
      134 months ago

      No weapons? Go with the designated guy to wait outside so we can search the rest of the house without having another heart attack.

      Sincerely, an old combat veteran whose disgusted by this.

    • @NatakuNox@lemmy.world
      94 months ago

      War zone? All of Gaza is a war zone. Go to the safe zones? Where there is no water, food, or shelter. Oh and they’ll shot you and bomb you there too.

      • @Guydht@lemmy.world
        11 month ago

        Actually as the best friend of an Israeli evacuate from the north, which haven’t been in their house for over 8 months, I can say 100% that fleeing for your safety is something only idiots refuse to do.

        Also fuck you for wishing that I’ll be displaced for having an opinion :)

    • @JamesTBagg@lemmy.world
      4 months ago

      To be fair, you don’t know what you’re talking about.

      1, Hamas is a political party, literally voted into power. Not all members would be militia.
      B, Even if the man was of the militant arm, in full uniform and battle-rattle, killing a surrendered foe is murder and a war crime.

      This coming from my experience as a Marine having acted in war zones in Iraq and Afghanistan, that were occupied by many civilians and combatants.

      • @Guydht@lemmy.world
        14 months ago

        “hamas is a political party” is the same energy as “north korea is a political party” and “china is a political party”. No elections in 18 years isn’t something a working government does.

        And it’s widely known that Hamas has no uniforms, and use civilian clothing when fighting. Heck, on 7/10 there were plenty who were IDF uniforms (I guess from fallen soldiers). Differentiating based on clothes is legit impossible.

        And about surrendered foes, I completely agree. No reason if you know they’re of no harm. But again, based on what Israel tells us (I doubt it aswell, but idk) there were instances of people “surrendering” and then bombing themselves. Not a trustworthy source at all, but idk… It’s not that hard to believe it.