What would be some fact that, while true, could be told in a context or way that is misinfomating or make the other person draw incorrect conclusions?

  • @Firefly7
    121 year ago

    Every year, traffic congestion wastes billions of gallons of gas.

    • @Firefly7
      1 year ago

      explanation, since this one might be more confusing than most:

      Traffic congestion does indeed waste gas. However, any place worth driving to is going to have congestion–driving without congestion is easy, fast, and comfortable, so people generally won’t take other options until roads become congested. Thus, congestion actually reduces gas usage overall, because it is only once areas become congested that people stop driving places.

      Trying to avoid congestion, on the other hand, usually involves expanding roads, something which increases driving, and makes other forms of transportation less useful/comfortable, thus increasing gas usage overall.

      • Match!!
        31 year ago

        shouldn’t your first post say congestion saves billions of gallons of gas?

        • @Firefly7
          31 year ago

          no, since the misleadingly-true fact is still that congestion wastes gas - congestion is cars spending gas on going nowhere, so the gas is wasted