• Well, cheers I guess. People are complicated. I guess that I can acknowledge that a person is flawed. While still admitting that they were probably a flawed human doing the best they could with the flawed information they had. You and I included.

    I hope that one day you too will be able to see monsters for the humans they really are.

    • @Strawberry
      46 months ago

      Hitler was a human. It’s okay to piss on his grave

      • My ancestor did murder millions of innocent people. Nor did any other confederate soldier for that matter. They supported a system that murdered countless innocent people.

        So, at best they would be compared to rank and file German soldiers.

    • CurlyWurlies4All
      26 months ago

      I don’t believe in monsters. Monsters are just people who broke the social contract to treat all people around them with respect and dignity, so they don’t get to then demand respect and dignity in death.

      People keep saying ‘it was a different time’ completely ignoring the fact there were people back then literally fighting for the rights of the oppressed.