It’s so good to be able to say that. I only cracked my egg like 6ish months ago. Still have a long way to go, but it’s so nice - it feels like things just make more sense now 😊

  • @LadyAutumnM
    71 year ago

    Hi Catherine! 😄 that first year after realization is special. Time goes by faster than you think it does, and understanding yourself only gets better and better :)

    • @catherineOP
      11 months ago

      Yeah it’s been a lot so far, and I haven’t even done much about it. I’m only out to my close friends. And my wonderful fiance of course 😍 I’m really lucky that she has been so accepting of all this, she’s all in

      We broke up lol

      • @LadyAutumnM
        71 year ago

        Thats really wonderful, having a partner who loved you for who you are is an amazing thing. I’m currently approaching my second month recovering from bottom surgery and would never have been able to do it without my partner. 🥰 Coming out can be so hard, but having people who accept you is so important!! Especially having people you feel comfortable being yourself around. Right now you need your people who you can girl out with and feel safe and respected :)