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Is there a consensus on what #Pathfinder is going to look like after the dust settles on the #D&D / #OGL changes? I’ve just shut down my dndbeyond subscription as a result of the changes and told my group we need to move the campaign to another system. But #Paizo and Pathfinder are the main targets of the changes, so I’m not sure whether that will even be an option for us!

  • Graveyard Leprechaun
    21 year ago

    An important point to make before people panic too much: You can still use your books and play your games. This doesn’t effect players so much as it effects publishers. Your Saturday night game won’t be affected at all.

    • AdaOPA
      21 year ago

      Well it does, in so far as I’m currently running D&D, but refuse to keep doing so. I don’t own any Pathfinder, so I would be outlaying a chunk of money to make that happen