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Is there a consensus on what #Pathfinder is going to look like after the dust settles on the #D&D / #OGL changes? I’ve just shut down my dndbeyond subscription as a result of the changes and told my group we need to move the campaign to another system. But #Paizo and Pathfinder are the main targets of the changes, so I’m not sure whether that will even be an option for us!

  • AdaOPA
    41 year ago

    Open Gaming License. It’s basically the license that lets 3rd parties develop content for D&D.

    • Flannel Bear
      31 year ago

      Would this stop PF2e? I could see 1e, but 2e is quite a bit different and I don’t think they could claim it here.

      • AdaOPA
        31 year ago

        Screwing over Paizo is basically the point of these changes.

        If Paizo signs the new OGL, doing so will revoke the old OGL, and it will force Paizo in to an unfair relationship with Hasbro, allowing Hasbro to re-use any and all of Paizo’s content without restriction or cost, it would require Paizo to share their future releases and product planning with Hasbro and it would skim 25% of Paizo’s profits.

        If Paizo doesn’t sign up to the new OGL, they aren’t able to produce new content.

        • Flannel Bear
          21 year ago

          Fuck, so we can’t use PF either. But like I said, is 2e falling under the OGL 1.1?

          • AdaOPA
            21 year ago

            As I understand it, parts of PF2 use OGL. But honestly, I’m not really sure what the impact will be. It’s part of what prompted this post initially