What game mechanics do you enjoy or that surprised you when playing a game? I recently started playing Tunic and I love building out the “manual” for the game and getting hints on how to play.

  • stom
    31 year ago

    I had a real weakspot for Tf2 surf maps and I don’t fully understand why. I think it’s partly the fact that this isn’t how you’re “supposed” to play the game, but is an added bonus that came about by accident.

    I’m also not very good at them, I spent far too long on surf_utopia (v3, I think) and only ever got to the end of it once.

    • businessfish
      11 year ago

      i think tf2 surf was how i got into the whole movement-based game thing, as i’m sure many others did too! definitely appeals to people who like time trial / speedrun type of games as well.

      i love that you don’t have to be good at it, you can just play the easy maps and play them any way you want. also the skill ceiling is crazy high, so you could practice for years and still be able to improve (though towards the top it becomes fractions of fractions of seconds off your time).