So I was about to make a post with 5 images but remembered that sometimes there’s issues with them here sooo would it be safe to just host them on this server or would it be better or preferable to host them somewhere else? And if so, any recommendations?

My main worries are the images taking too long to load or not loading at all which I’ve seen happen on new posts/comments and on very old ones and also taking up space on the server because I guess at some point it would need more storage and to load more stuff but I might just be being silly x3

  • ShittyKopper [they/them]
    28 months ago

    catbox and co are mainly useful for videos, as some instances (not sure about this one) have video uploading disabled (as that’s usually a lot more costly than image uploads)

    • 🏳️‍⚧️Mia🏳️‍⚧️OP
      28 months ago

      ohhh alright thank you for the info! I don’t know if the instance let’s you post videos but at least my client doesn’t show any option for that