Personally, I want nothing to do with them and I’m not willing to give them the benefit of the doubt. I moved to the Fediverse to get away from all these corpos.

  • EveryMuffinIsNowEncrypted
    1 year ago

    Technically true, but the majority of people are not that technically savvy nor interested in seeking out comparatively obscure platforms. Most people on the Web go onto corporate platforms or corporate - sponsored platforms. That also means that even a lot of the people who would normally seek out more comparatively obscure or out-of-the-way platforms are forced by dint of practicality just to keep in contact with friends and family, a lá Facebook Messenger.

    As I said, they don’t need to take over the whole web to domimate the web, just a large enough piece of the pie. Sure, it may be only 99%, but practically speaking that 1% won’t functionally exist for the vast majority of people, even to those who would otherwise seek it out.