I suddenly have a little widget called Eruda on Lemmy pages and cannot seem to disable, and did not install this myself. Any ideas? Not sure where else to post.

    • Paige (she/her)
      311 months ago

      I see it on both Firefox for Android and Firefox for Linux when browsing this instance. It does not appear on Lemmy.World for example. It also does not appear to use the browser’s dev tools as I am able to open both Firefox’s native dev tools and Eruda at the same time and they look different.

    • VinceUnderReviewOP
      111 months ago

      I did not install it mistakenly myself (only saying this as I haven’t left lemmy on this browser in 2 days) or if I did I am not sure how as I have not visited github or any of the websites. I cannot find any addon listing, download, nothing.