"Every embryo has a right to be born! But once they’re born, god has a plan for them. And if that plan is to suffer and die before hitting the age of maturity? Well, who are we to question god’s plan? He is all knowing, all powerful, and all loving after all!
What omnipotent diety wouldn’t create sentient life for the express purpose of watching it suffer and die? Especially when they get to watch those around suffer too!"
Which directly contradicts the claims of “pro-life” but they don’t let that stop them.
"Every embryo has a right to be born! But once they’re born, god has a plan for them. And if that plan is to suffer and die before hitting the age of maturity? Well, who are we to question god’s plan? He is all knowing, all powerful, and all loving after all!
What omnipotent diety wouldn’t create sentient life for the express purpose of watching it suffer and die? Especially when they get to watch those around suffer too!"
Pro life is just a different phrasing (are we still doing phrasing?) for pro maximum birth rate.