Edit - This is a post to the meta group of Blåhaj Lemmy. It is not intended for the entire lemmyverse. If you are not on Blåhaj Lemmy and plan on dropping in to offer your opinion on how we are doing things in a way you don’t agree with, your post will be removed.


A user on our instance reported a post on lemmynsfw as CSAM. Upon seeing the post, I looked at the community it was part of, and immediately purged all traces of that community from our instance.

I approached the admins of lemmynsfw and they assured me that the models with content in the community were all verified as being over 18. The fact that the community is explicitly focused on making the models appear as if they’re not 18 was fine with them. The fact that both myself and one a member of this instance assumed it was CSAM, was fine with them. I was in fact told that I was body shaming.

I’m sorry for the lack of warning, but a community skirting the line trying to look like CSAM isn’t a line I’m willing to walk. I have defederated lemmynsfw and won’t be reinstating it whilst that community is active.

  • @Thorny_Thicket@sopuli.xyz
    9410 months ago

    Did you check the community in question? I’m quite suprised to hear one could think that’s csam. To me it looks just like your typical low-effort onlyfans content. None of the models even looked “barely legal” but more like well over 20 in most cases.

    • @noisehound
      5710 months ago

      The community in question listed “child-like” in their sidebar until after this defederation. Gross.

      • @Ryantific_theory@lemmy.world
        10 months ago

        That’s a stumble, but it was because they copied and pasted the dictionary definition of “adorable” into the sidebar. The same community has more than two million members on Reddit and has been a staple for almost a decade. However, they simply wrote “It must be adorable.” instead defining adorable like Lemmy did, so there’s that.

        Idk, it just seems weird to be outraged when everything is legal, consensual, and not even a fringe kink. This is like Australia banning small-titted pornstars in their late twenties in a recent project against CSAM, because these adults aren’t shaped in morally appropriate ways.

        • @noisehound
          410 months ago

          It seems weird to me that you’re on the meta for another instance complaining about a decision that doesn’t affect you.

          There’s plenty of other comments here about other awful shit going on at lemmynsfw and I don’t feel like recapping that. From what I can see concerning the actual defederation, it is at worst the right choice for the wrong reasons.

          The rest of the argument seems to be about the community’s intent. Including “child-like” in the sidebar of a porn community because it was copy/pasted from a dictionary definition may have been a ‘stumble’ but it was still negligent.

    • Gormadt
      10 months ago

      When I checked their communities most were basically empty?

      And I didn’t see a community that fits that description.

      Edit: I did try to enable nsfw content and tried from other accounts I have on other instances.

      • @Thorny_Thicket@sopuli.xyz
        10 months ago

        Your instance just deferedated from lemmyNSFW. You can’t see any new content there anymore with that account.

        • Gormadt
          710 months ago

          I tried in private browser mode and from accounts I have have lemmy.ml and Beehaw

          I still didn’t see anything?

          IDK what’s up