I brought everyone together to reminisce over memories and yearbook photographs. We learned where some people went off to and that a couple died, did drugs, became strippers, et cetera. lol It really did feel like we were in high school again, except we were of drinking age. I talked to people that I actually didn’t talk to in high school and felt appreciated. I did have three sips of a drink which was stronger than I had thought it would be and I currently still feel a bit woozy, but it was definitely worth it.

  • Gormadt
    2 years ago

    I feel that

    When I reached out to some of my old classmates the general consensus was that the we only wanted to forget out highschool years.

    2008 - 2012

    Yeah those were some hard years for a lot of us.

    So it was basically decided that were weren’t going to do it