As you may know, I moved to using my account almost exclusively, as I kinda disliked the vibe I was getting from .world. At the same time, I also want to gage the feelings people have about the migration. Will you continue to use 196 on Are you happy with the change? I want to hear from you:

  • Smorty [she/her]
    2 months ago

    big sad feels ;(

    i will not join the 196 on the not blahaj zone! GRRRR >:3

    i wan the 196 to be all local and comfy. i wan it to feel like home, with all u cuties and non-cuties-but-still-amazing-peeps in it!

    i don wan the 196 to be on generic world instance. will join if there be a local 196 blahaj version!

    imagine the COMFY FEELS knowing that U PEEPS made the funi im looking at!! <3