Image description:

Image containing two blocks of text. One block of text takes up the top of the image. The second boock takes up the bottom of the image but has a thinking emoji with the head replaced with an egg in the trans flag color taking up the left quarter of the space available.

Top text: I’m not trans or anything I just want what ever wants:

Bottom text: To transition in order to alleviate my gender dysphoria

      711 months ago

      Damn I just skimmed though his profile and wow, he is an insanely toxic individual. Glad he’s gone from for good (they banned him from the instance).

        111 months ago

        quick question: (open to anyone who knows the answer) is as a whole transphobic or should i just block this one particular ahole?

          211 months ago

          I don’t really see anything particular to indicate that as a whole is a transphobic instance, seems like it’s just this specific individual involved.

        • @BiNonBiOP
          211 months ago

          It’s a very inactive instance, maybe a post every 2-4 days on it. It does not have captcha or application enabled but requires email verification. I haven’t received the verification email required to activate an account.

          My guess it’s a dead instance at this point. If it comes back it might be an issue but it’ll probably just get defederated pretty fast.