I’m hoping to be done with Reddit and to let Lemmy in as a new home. Anyone else in the same boat? Do yall know of any other trans communities?

  • @MeowyNinhaj
    131 year ago

    Yes!! Im also SUPER excited about finding blahaj lemmy and a lgbt community. I hope reddit dies off at this point because theres sooo much innovation happening now

      • @Tessa
        31 year ago

        Maybe a dumb question, but can we use our logins on here for Mastodon? I’m still figuring out the Fediverse.

          • @gh0stcassette
            41 year ago

            Kbin is supposed to be compatible with both lemmy and Mastodon, tho I haven’t been able to access Mastodon posts from outside of the main kbin instance yet, so either I’m missing something or it’s not set up yet