I highly doubt the left will do anything uncivil. How can they win back the country? Is it too late?

  • -☆-
    5 months ago

    I want to help. Do you have any advice? This has convinced me I have a moral imperative but I don’t even know where to start.

    • squid_slime@lemm.ee
      5 months ago

      I feel I should also mention other groups, anarchist are pretty cool people and get things done but lack organisation, you can easily find anarchists in your local areas through social medial, search terms like radical, anarchist or in demos all black masked up. Socialists search google with your location and socialism, or find them at union pickets, selling papers in cities, socialist groups trend towards the original marxist teachings aposed to the stalinist philosophy. Communist groups tend to be Stalinist / moaists which personally I don’t support with their stance on sexuality. Avoid the Spartans: a socialist group that are a bunch of nonces and wish to lower age of consent. Avoid larger broad left groups as they trend towards upper middle class liberals (dictionary definition) without a solid doctrine.

      Also try to find a place that keeps identity politics at a healthy distance. I made a home with The Socialist Party ‘formally militant’ as they are principled unlike the SWP.

    • squid_slime@lemm.ee
      5 months ago

      Read The Communist Manifesto by Marx and Engle’s, then State and Revolution by Lenin or even audiobook which are both on YouTube. Its important because they both outline the reasoning and the conviction needed. Then you’ll want to find a socialist/communist group that suits you, I’m a marxist, my ideas of socialism diverge with the appearance of Stalin. If your in the united states we have a trotskyist party who I’ve spoken to personally and theyre a good lot, your best bet would be to visit https://www.socialistworld.net/category/international/ this is the international body I work under and many other countries also work under.

      Hope you find a suitable space comrade. Feel free to contact me if you need any further assistance or just to let me know how your getting on.