I want to install lemmy on cpanel. The same way you install a forum. It’s easy.

Is it possible? I dont want to buy a whole server just for lemmy

  • Marxism-Fennekinism
    1 year ago

    Short answer: you can’t be because Lemmy and cPanel are based on different software architectures.

    Long answer: First, as far as I know cPanel can only deploy PHP app, which most open source forums are. Lemmy is written in Rust and is executed differently to generate a website. Second, Lemmy has its own server that connects to the web host’s server in a process called reverse proxying, and it does this by having a main “Lemmy” program constantly running as long as the site is live, just like the web server it connects to. This works very differently from PHP, where each webpage is a separate very small program that runs when the page is called, and then exits when the page render is complete.

    • @lemmyfan01@lemmy.mlOP
      11 year ago

      Is there any hosts that can quick deploy lemmy?

      I ran a test mastodon instance on digital ocean.

      I want to test lemmy as well. any suggestions?

      • Marxism-Fennekinism
        11 year ago

        Any VPS or cloud host that supports Docker is your best bet. Since you can one-shot deploy from Docker.