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Alt text: a screenshot of a microblog post with the text “you walking down an alleyway with a gram of weed in your pocket, who would you rather catch you?” Below are two pictures side by side. One of Kamala Harris and the other of Batman.

  • tacticalsugar
    8 months ago

    That doesn’t make her less of a cop though. I don’t even understand your response. You get mad at people trying to push for progress because… Trump is a fascist? I don’t know, your argument doesn’t make sense.

    My choice is easy, because I’m unable to vote due to voter disenfranchisement! But even without that, I’m a chronically ill trans person. I’m unable to get my basic, uncontrolled medication or my HRT because of regressive transphobic and ableist policies that are being made every single day. I don’t really care if it’s Trump or Harris overseeing the trans people being murdered, unhoused, and forced to go without health care.

    Exercise your vote how you wish, but voting is the bare minimum and some of us can’t even do it. Go buy a trans person a pizza or a night in a motel if you want to make the world a materially better place.