If they didn’t say that the media would brand them terrorist & the feds would probably target them also.
Cisgendered he/him
Avatar image by DanarArt
If they didn’t say that the media would brand them terrorist & the feds would probably target them also.
deleted by creator
No you have to destroy the planet through conspicuous consumption! /s
“3rd-party marketplace listings will be monitored to ensure sexually explicit and transgender items are not “aimed at minors””
So binders that are aimed at young trans men so they don’t damage their bodies from using the wrong method to keep their chest flat.
People don’t realize language models can regurgitate info to other people.
It’s always been about disarming minorities or leftist.
Have you two been able to find firearms training? There are a number of inclusive firearms instructors you can get training from. I also recommend a stop the bleed class for new gun owners(or for anyone really).
Plastic recycling creates lots of microplastics & most plastic isn’t even recyclable.
Plant a deep root plant, turff grass that’s kept short has short roots.
Hell you could kill the invasive grasses & replace them with native plants.
I’m talking about the rocks that radiate an energy you can’t see.
Some rocks are naturally ‘hot’.
There’s some rocks I’m sure that can be used to kill covid.
I think I lost neurons reading that.
I will use all the archaic measurement I want & you can’t stop me.