math is cool

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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • wafergirltoTrans MemesMasculinity
    1 year ago

    This isn’t hating on cis people, it’s calling out those who uphold stupid sexist social norms that actively contribute to our marginalization. The pressure on men to avoid any and all things seen as feminine is very real and very stupid, and it made me miss out on so many great things for many years of my life. I’m still trying to undo the damage it has done to my mind. So excuse me for taking enjoyment from mocking something that has hurt me so much.

    You can be cis without being the cis man in the meme. The people who are that man can change.

  • Pants! Apart from the pockets (or lack thereof), women’s pants are so good. They’re tighter, higher, and are really good at emphasizing your hips and various curves. They’re also pretty low key, so they don’t look out of place on an otherwise masc outfit. I’d say the biggest thing to be wary of is the crotch space, though. Since women’s pants have less room down there, your bulge looks bigger if you don’t tuck. You should be fine if you tuck or cover it up with a shirt though (as long as it’s not windy). I have a decent amount of bottom dysphoria so that kind of thing matters to me, but it might not to you.

    That said, I might be a bit biased towards pants because I wasn’t able to get my first pair of women’s pants until after months of wearing exclusively skirts, so I was really happy to get my first pair of women’s pants lol.

    Edit: Painting nails is also really good! It’s just a nice reminder of your identity (in a good way) every time you look at your hands.

  • wafergirltoTransfemaffordable gaff?
    2 years ago

    That’s a good question. It’s hard to say because I’m pre-op, and I haven’t looked at any size charts, so I’m not sure what size I would wear if I didn’t have to tuck. The rule of thumb I’ve heard is that you should go two sizes smaller than you would otherwise, and I think that’s about right, although I might go one additional size smaller

  • wafergirltoTransfemaffordable gaff?
    2 years ago

    I used Amazon basics, but that’s because they were the only boyshorts on Amazon with an XXS small size. You may or may not need something that small, so you might want to experiment with sizes.

    Edit: I think the size and material is much more important than the brand.

  • wafergirltoTransfemaffordable gaff?
    2 years ago

    I think I’m a bit of an outlier with this, but I’ve tried both Leolines and TomboyX, and I’ve gotten the best results from just using 2 pairs of XXS boyshorts from Amazon. To reduce skin-to-skin contact, I also like to add on some very wide gusset boyshorts on top, and tuck the sides of the gusset between each leg. I find this very comfortable, very effective, and very cost-effective. I think the best way to figure out what works for you is to experiment and be resourceful. If you constantly test new ideas, your arsenal will slowly grow until you’re eventually an expert!

  • wafergirltoTransfemPositive Moments
    2 years ago

    Even though I still don’t love how I look, I’ve finally reached a point where I can occasionally like my reflection, actually seeing a woman. It’s hit or miss, but the hits feel really good.

  • One of my favorite little math gizmos is Pascal’s triangle modulo 2. The most striking fact about it is that if you put each number in a box and color the 0 and 1 boxes two different colors, you’ll find that the image converges to the famous fractal Sierpinski’s triangle as you zoom out! Try looking up “pascal’s triangle mod 2” in Google images or something so you can see for yourself!ński_triangle

    But wait, there’s more! If you read each row as a binary number, the rows will enumerate all possible products of Fermat numbers (numbers of the form 22n + 1)! But this isn’t restricted to just base 2! If you read the rows on the same triangle in base b, you’ll get all possible products of the base b generalized Fermat numbers (which have the form b2n + 1)!

    You might recognize the Fermat numbers from their role in compass and straightedge constructions, as prime Fermat numbers help describe which regular polygons are possible to construct with a compass and straightedge. Due to a few unrelated coincidences, this means that the first 32 rows of Pascal’s triangle mod 2 read as binary numbers list out all currently known regular n-gons with odd n that are possible to construct with a compass and straightedge alone. Whether or not there are more is an open question!

  • Yes, all of this is super cool! My favorite part, though, is the continuum hypothesis! A question that went unsolved for a long time is whether or not there exists a set with cardinality in between that of the natural numbers and the real numbers. This problem was eventually solved, and the answer is extremely interesting! The answer is not that the hypothesis is true or false, but that the hypothesis is independent from our currently accepted axioms of math. So, we could have a perfectly valid version of math where the hypothesis is true, as well as a perfectly valid version where it’s false. This opens up a whole new world of possibilities for set theory, and there is still active research being done on the consequences that different axioms have on the relative sizes of uncountable cardinals that are less than or equal to the size of the reals.

  • Not necessarily. You could also read this as the person in the comic being their preferred gender in every panel, but is just altering their gender expression towards something they’re happier with. Also, not everyone thinks about their gender that way. Some people really have thought about their gender in an aspirational way. I certainly did when I first started trying to figure out my gender.

    The sentence also says “who” instead of “what,” implying that you can be the person you want to be, but not an animal, god, or tree, as those are all not people. I think it’s also fair to assume that the comic’s statement is within reason. If someone interprets this comic to think that they can become a tree, that’s a bad faith interpretation.

  • wafergirltoTransfemIn search of a guide
    2 years ago

    As a lot of other comments said, what stuff you choose to do or not do is completely up to you, but I think I relate to the want for some kind of guide, just to get an idea of what’s possible in one’s transition. The closest thing I am aware of is this video, “The Transfemme Field Guide:”

    It’s not really a guide giving steps on how to transition, it’s more of a collection of tips and advice on various aspects of transitioning, so you can pick and choose which advice to follow. Hope this helps!