You can use your token with the REST api. And use that to do whatever you want.
you can also use your token for git clone
like so:
$ git clone https:/git:put_your_token_here@github.com/myown/repo
You can use your token with the REST api. And use that to do whatever you want.
you can also use your token for git clone
like so:
$ git clone https:/git:put_your_token_here@github.com/myown/repo
That would be block storage like glusterfs or ceph, or object storage like minio or rook.
You could also use ZFS to provide PVCs for your Pods, with openebs.
If the mini-servers don’t have hardware redundancy, I’d stick to Replicated Volumes only…
If you go the openebs+ZFS route, you can make a kubernetes service (DaemonSet because it should run on every node) that makes and sends/exposes ZFS snapshots.
Here’s an article that does this: https://iridakos.com/programming/2018/03/01/bash-programmable-completion-tutorial
I have done this for one of my own tools ta
, which is a function that switches to a tmux session, or creates it if it doesn’t exist:
# switch to existing tmux session, or create it.
# overrides workdir if session name is "Work"
function ta() {
case "$1" in
Work) workdir="${HOME}/Work/" ;;
*) workdir="${HOME}" ;;
if tmux has-session -t "$@" &>/dev/null; then
tmux switch-client -t "$@"
tmux new-session -A -D -d -c "${workdir}" -s "$@"
tmux switch-client -t "$@"
# complete tmux sessions
# exclude current session from completion
function _ta_completion() {
[[ "${command}" != 'ta' ]] && return
current_session="$(tmux display-message -p '#S')"
IFS=$'\a' COMPREPLY=( $(tmux list-sessions -F '#{session_name}' | grep -i "^${completing}" | grep -v "^${current_session}$"| tr '\n' '\a' ) )
# enable completion for ta function
complete -F _ta_completion ta
$ tmux (starts session "0" by default)
$ ta Personal # create session "Personal" because it doesn't exist
$ ta Work # create session "Work" because it doesn't exist
$ ta <tab>
0 Personal
$ ta P<tab> -> $ta Personal
$ ta <tab>
0 Work
Artists will probably have their own setup, software and workflow that they are comfortable with. I’d recommend letting them use their own workflow, and just discussing the interface, so to speak: what file format(s) to use and such. I think GLTF is used for assets, but I’m definitely not an expert.
As for other devs, most required tooling (e.g. Unity or Pycharm or whatever) are one-time installs that you can list somewhere. And language libraries/dependencies are a solved problem (e.g. pipenv, cargo, yarn).
But if you really want to set this up, nix (or lix) is probably your best bet for a total devenv that is exactly reproducible, assuming that works for WSL (or no one uses windows).
Otherwise docker/podman or devenv will probably be doable as well.
Maybe you can use the spicy tape to prevent your pets from eating the cables (assuming that works on them)?
Orher than that, maybe you can setup some metrics (and alerting?) to keep an eye on the diskspace?
Tip: don’t use /dev/nvme0n1
directly, but use device aliases in /dev/disk/
. I prefer /dev/disk/by-id/
but maybe another works better in your case.
# find all aliases for nvme drives (no partitions)
find /dev/disk/ -type l -ilname '*nvme?n?' -printf '%l %p\n' | sed 's!^../../!!' | sort
Try starting vim without config, I think that’s
vim -u NONE
Does it still occur then?
If not, it’s a config issue in /etc/vimrc
and/or ~/.vimrc
(or maybe ~/.config/vim/vimrc
or something?)
If it does, it has to be something else.
Free.mp3 - Dubioza Kolektiv
(It’s a surprise that will help us later)
Oh yeah, hahaha.
Thanks, I’ll fix it.
It might depend on the lemmy instance you are posting to (lemmy.ml
) and/or where you have your account (lemmy.world
), because I don’t think that this is built into the AP protocol.
I suspect at least one of these uses some kind of filtering mechanism that blocks VPN users, like cloudflare’s CDN.
I actually wanted to link this song by Perturbator, but this was a happy little accident (^^,)
That definitely sounds like a good idea and not ominous at all…
This cat co-authored a paper
I see you point; but not even 200 years ago the people couldn’t imagine most people working in other “industries” than agriculture.
Historically, most people worked in agriculture. (I’m not sure of the percentage, but it was >80% IIRC, but we can take a low estimate at 50%).
Nowadays less than 5% of the world population works in agriculture, due to increases in automation (machinery that can plow and harvest), and better understanding of the process (more efficient use of land).
While some of that turned out to be bad for the environment (who knew biodiversity is good, actually?), it did free up most of the population to do other things.
I hope it’s not “AI” that will automate the future (because of the huge energy costs to the environment), but automation more generally could help us free more time for passionate pursuits.
Jobs like software engineer didn’t even exist a century ago, and who knows what kind of new jobs will be created in the next 100?