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I misspelled specific.
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Isn’t it anything divided by 0 is undefined? Granted, I only have a more or less intermediate level of math, but I was always taught that multiplication by zero is always zero. But then again, zero is weird and can break my brain just as much as infinity does.
ooh! that reminds me of that time a lady pretended to give birth to rabbits by shoving baby rabbits up her coochie and then pulling them out!
i write because i hate myself and writing is pain.
This reminds me of that part of that space opera I read where there was a nomadic colony on mercury which needed to always be moving at exactly the right speed to stay on the dark side of the terminator.
Since plant based milks are just basically water with the plant stuff in it, can’t we make coffee milk and put that in our coffee as a milk alternative?
It’s also a problem in europe
Edit: people blaming immigrants, that is, not immigration itself
wellp, time for guillotines, i suppose.
well, that’s all i needed to know. Time to vandalize some nazimobiles.
the good news is, often times those old forums are still up. so if you’re doing a very niche hobby, like trying to outfit your '05 nissan sentra with a turbocharger for some reason, there are forums talking about it. you might even be able to respond to the threads. who knows.
we don’t have a very good reputation.
I’m doing my part
time for an old yeller solution.
Actually yeah. They need to do everything they can to keep these fascists from enacting their agenda. The right did it to Obama when he tried to get Merrick Garland on the supreme court. The Dems should do the same thing.
Anyone know any brand that doesn’t pull this kind of shit in their cars?
How long til LOTR enters the public domain?
El Salvador made an agreement with Trump to accept deportees, irrespective of their nationality. There have been cases of us citizens being deported, mistakenly or not.
I could get behind that.
There’s a card game of it, I play it with my kids and they don’t know why I love it so much.