satori [she/her]

homeowners are the new gamers

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • that’s more or less gramsci’s revolutionary optimism take. sometimes you know that you’re not going to accomplish anything, but you also feel compelled to do something. so you compartmentalize and try to hold on to both at once: pessimism of intellect because you can’t do anything without some guidance from theory (which is blinking “you’re fucked” in 700pt impact) and optimism of will because will is what’s driving us to action in the first place :schopenhauer-grimace:

    notably this does not allow one to “axiomatically” reject the reality of the situation, it’s more just cope to help us stay sane in modernity

  • it should be a wakeup call for us. “progressive” liberals’ interests are evidently so intertwined with those of the bourgeoisie that msm can snap their fingers and the whole internet is instantly back on team america.

    I wish ppl would stop putting such an emphasis on deboonking propaganda for a bunch of students and labor aristocrats. propaganda only works because people are willing to believe in a system that still works for them. blaming everything on propaganda is I think often missing the point

    if you engage on purely marketplace-of-ideas terms the best you’re going to get is the same as everyone else: one share of the pot from thermal motion randomly jostling a few disaffected libs off into communism, fascism, etc. there’s no reason to expect any particular advantage in this game, and in fact the deck is stacked against us