pooh [they/them, any]

  • 68 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 29th, 2020


  • So, related, I had an idea… I noticed they have a comm over there for people to introduce themselves. Would it be a terrible idea for people here who want to interact with them positively to make posts on that comm? I was thinking of doing one myself either tomorrow or Saturday talking about hobbies, interests, etc., and maybe find like minded people. I was thinking that maybe if they got to know some of us a little better, we’d be a little less scary to them and they might be more willing to interact with us. What do you think?

    I also think is a great idea for a comm and maybe something we should have over here for the same purpose.

  • A little off topic, but wouldn’t making posts like this (the one linked, not this post of course) made to whip up hate against Hexbear be a form of brigading? They’re clearly trying to incite people against us. I’d think if we were regularly doing this sort of thing to other instances, those instances would take issue with it. And this was after he (EDIT: Sorry I shouldn’t assume gender here. If only they had visible pronouns?) came over to Hexbear pretty clearly trying to pick a fight.

  • Star Trek is a huge exception, but It’s strange how absent the concept of gender normally is from scifi. Things that are perfectly normal in scifi include cybernetic enhancements, genetic engineering, etc., but god forbid anyone use technology to change their gender. And if technology really existed to instantly and effortlessly change gender, I suspect almost everyone would be doing it because that’s exactly what happens in social VR apps like VRChat.