• 2 Posts
Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: December 28th, 2023

  • If their model was simply, “were going to pay you to stream,” then it would instantly be another egirl cam site which is not inherently right or wrong.

    They don’t want that. It’s their platform, their server space, and their rules. Similar to who you allow in your home and what you allow them to do, they decide who and what if allowed on their platform.

    The “why” doesn’t even matter. Maybe it’s run by a far right Christian. Maybe they don’t want the liability. Maybe they have a vision for what their platform is and isn’t. It doesn’t matter. It’s their property and they decide what’s allowed.

  • I can’t stress this enough: OP’s account is obviously a Chinese propaganda account. All they do is point out issues with the West (good) and dismiss absolutely any criticism against China (bad). They claim to be some leftist dude in Canada. The prolific posting alone couldn’t be one person with other activities in their life like eating food or sleeping.

    Oh, and this post links to Iranian state news. OP often falls back on calling criticism of China western media lies but Iranian news sources are good to go I guess.

    Just block their account and enjoy way less China is Perfect spam.

  • You can’t fix the problems caused by capitalism with capitalism. Those homeless people employed by that beautiful company in your made up example don’t have a home because companies and the governments they write the laws for value profit over human life. Homelessness is overwhelmingly a mentally health issue which becomes an addiction issue, but here in the US all health care, much less mental health care, is a for-profit venture. And the open market that you seem to respect so much has made renting and home ownership unattainable for countless millions.

    You sound like everyone else who believes everything they learned in econ 101, that capitalism rights itself because it’s in people’s best interests to do so. You’re out of touch with the reality of so many peoples lives, and you only emphasized it with your fantasy about “good capitalism.” You can blame all of Lemmy or all the “brainwashed” people who tell you how far your perception of reality is skewed, but I hope you can continue learning about what life is like for people who don’t have your privilege or luck and are moved to reconsider your stance.

  • I don’t get the aggression people have for someone using different brand.

    People identify the business decisions that Apple makes to be anti-consumer. They then feel frustration and anger for users of Apple products as support for their products only emboldens Apple to continue making anti-consumer decisions, such as the subject of this article.

    Apple is a microcosm representation of the evils of capitalism for many people and they project their feelings about it - powerlessness, disgust, anger, etc. - onto users of Apple products. People associate support for iPhones which enjoys a 61% US market share as support for the boot of capitalism on our throats regardless of whether the Apple user doesn’t know, doesn’t care, or doesn’t agree.

  • Multiple things are true at the same time. He’s better for humanity than his alternative, he’s not a reality show fuckwit, but doing his job is not a positive as it almost entirely entails keeping everyone firmly under the boot of capitalism. He’s made improvements within the totally broken system and also done nothing to change the totally broken system.

    I am in no way glad that he’s our president but I’m glad it’s him over the orange monster.