The image is really pretty and well done!! 🥰 But the lack of gun safety triggers me nonetheless. 🙅
The image is really pretty and well done!! 🥰 But the lack of gun safety triggers me nonetheless. 🙅
There is something my therapist pointed out to me, who was feeling like fraud about being trans. There is some peer pressure out there on how you have to be to be trans. We are not talking about mean peer pressure, but if you see that bodily transitioning is the way for apparently every trans person, then that must be the way for you too, right? And what if you really dread procedures or meds? Or if you are maybe not super happy with your body, but who ever is? Does that make you less trans? I think it really helps to think of trans as a spectrum and exploring it slowly. And maybe you find your gender identity on that spectrum or you feel role playing etc. is just some good fun. And if you find yourself on that spectrum you can go into character creation and say, I’m fine with the presets or change things up, the result will always be beautifully you.
Gender and trans are a spectrum, so maybe your wandering in that plain is your gender identity? Nonbinary, genderfluid and pangender are labels that took me the longest time to grasp, but are what I’m comfortable now with. And also the aspect, that wether you bodily transition or not does not decide wether you wanna use the label trans for you or not. It’s free and one way or the other it’s great to open up that binary system.
Gay buff gigachad healer would be great. Still remembering that male design for Mercy from Overwatch. Hot damn… 🤩
I second this and wanna add, that it’s also totally cool, to feel like switching into a different body whenever would be neat. Maybe being whomever you want to be whenever feels just right to you.
This is also attainable with outfits though honestly your appearance is completely secondary to how you personally feel about being your self.
Shapeshifters are just awesome characters anyway right?
Looks comfy 🥰
Whoa!! Now I get even more chills watching LotR. Knowing IRL Galadriel supporting the quest for queerness. 🥰
The 29th Bilociraptors parading an rainbow road. xD
As an enby with a beard, this is now the look I want for next Christmas. xD It looks incredibly good to me!
I have hardly any knowledge about Colorado, but just looking at this headline and the other big one from the last 24h, I think the judicial and legislative systems there are doing a great job. 😊
That is so cute!! 😍 Thank you for this awesome event! It brought me a lot of joy! Looking carefully what owl to vote for. Also not being mean to the one not voted for, which was hard while looking at their cute faces while making up my mind.
did you mean: Tinnitus Prime
But what about the droid attack on the Wookiees?
Don’t know if that is still holding up, but the German ministry of defence put terrorist attacks on the same list as natural disasters in their „Weißbuch“ around 2016. So theoretically we could have, what for historical reason we should never see again: The military enforcing inland. And while in Bavaria climate crisis protesters are held in detention under anti terror law, the picture discussed here could become reality in Germany faster than we might think.
Ich bin mir nicht ganz sicher, aber die Verwendung der SS-Rune stellt meines Wissens eine Straftat dar. Ich denke es wäre besser diesen Beitrag zu löschen.
I wouldn’t have thought that discord would apply such good policies. Their target groups include transphobes and there will be a lot of moderating to do. It’s a really big step to make online gaming a safer space for everyone. 😊
Wow! Ich würde sehr gerne Moos anbauen! Das gedeiht in meinen Balkontöpfen auch immer am besten und ich liebe es. 😊
Ich hätte ein bisschen Angst vor den Mücken, in sumpfigen Feldern, aber das ist dann wieder so ein Menschenproblem.
WLAN verbunden und Kadsen und Sonne sind die Phasen, die am meisten mit der Realität zu tun haben.
I know what it is you saw; for it is also in my mind.