YES. This is how she behaves!!
nb 01/25
YES. This is how she behaves!!
yeah, she either apologizes because she “can’t control herself” or blames me
she’s actually my “close friend” but I don’t consider her that for obvious reasons
so this is just like textbook narcissism and not just an asshole?
ni li pona!!
(its fine!!)
pona tawa sina!!
jan li toki e ni: lipu nasa
(Weird post)
its a rant :,)
nothing they do is ever their fault, and what I do is never good enough for them
yeah, makes sense.
sina lape lon tenpo ni?
моя мачеха говорит по-польски но не может писать
sina toki pona mute?
(With fluency)
(i guess not every time but when it’s needed, sure :) )
sina ike ala la, sina ken pana e sona tawa mi
ni li lon, pali e tan sina 😅
mi lukin e ni: jan lon lipu ni toki e toki pona. mi lukin la, mi pali e kulupu ni.
sina ken ala lape tan seme?
i will post!! They’re new!!
i can be hopeful then, im a teen