That was a very puzzling casting decision
That was a very puzzling casting decision
My main worry is the glorification of illegal intelligence activities, contradicting the message of Deep Space Nine. If the movie can handle that barrier, fun and silly sounds great.
Maybe the -B will get a cameo in Section 31
The dude in the
early-TNG uniform is Yor, who briefly appeared in Discovery and was established to have travelled between the Prime and Kelvin universes.
Apologies if i’m stating the obvious
Who do you think has killed more gay Palestinians, Hamas or the IDF?
There was a tagger I saw called “bumbag”
Never come across dubvee and I feel like I’m doing fine
Given even the Daily Mail was celebrating the Wednesday anti-racist protests as a proof of unity against thugs, this feels like paranoia
There are people with a raincoat fetish.
What’s up with that? Appreciate they’re permissive rather than copyright free as such
Conventionally attractive people are more likely to post selfies
BERT and early versions of GPT were trained on copyright free datasets like Wikipedia and out of copyright books. Unsure if those would be big enough for the modern ChatGPT types
Use reader mode a lot so love to see more tweaks available
Contract thing? Is it because Notaro was only a guest star on Discovery do the five year renegotiation rule doesn’t apply?
Doctor Who keeps going back to Tennent the way Star Trek keeps going back to TOS
You’ll never want to eat one again
I like a goofy team of eccentrics but I have no idea why these people would be hired by an ultra secretive espionage agency. Did Zeph even get to punch anything in the end? Quasi really had very little to do which is a shame.