eatmyass [he/him]

  • 1 Post
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 9th, 2022


  • eatmyass [he/him]*Permanently Deleted*
    1 year ago

    Today is your lucky day. Since I’m in a good mood, let’s see if you’ll put your dick where your phD from a top 10 university is.

    Here’s the bet: if you post a picture of your dick (which can include your PhD in particle physics from a prestigious university of top 10), I will pay you one whole fucking bitcoin. If not, you pay me one bitcoin.

    We’ll find a betting platform (of your choice if you wish) where we deposit these bitcoins into a multisig address with a referee. One of us wins based on the bet.

    Are you gonna put your dick where your phD is? Or a dick where you learn not to open your mouth next time?

    What do you say?

  • Yeah, I misspoke in my initial comment. I was under the impression the percentage was lower, but I looked it up and it’s about the same (based on the first thing I read)

    So to me there’s two conclusions: Covid, which infects people at a much higher rate and for which the vaccine is not really that effective, is a bigger problem since it will end up giving a larger number of people long Covid. The flu is not infecting people twice a year (or more), and it’s possible to go years without catching the flu, even without masks

    Or, what I think is the correct conclusion, we should be taking flu more seriously. We saw how little flu there was during the years of the highest mask compliance. Very weird to say “oh we’ve always had post-viral illness, let’s just have even more.” How about we actually take public health seriously for once?

  • Hahahaha is that the shit they had to apologize for because it didn’t actually conclude masks were unnecessary but the lead author went on a press tour touting the anti mask shit anyway, and a couple of the authors were affiliated with anti-mask think tanks? That’s what you’re citing? Some shit Cochrane themselves have distanced themselves from?

    “Covid is over” do you like, not live on the earth? People have been getting Covid this whole time, and yes, as this new wave comes about, more people I know are getting Covid. You and everyone who thinks like you are a fucking joke. I can’t imagine having my head buried this far up my own ass.

    Edit: also lol @ “liberal humanism.” Yeah, that humanism drops real fast when I choose to exercise my supposed personal liberty and wear a mask.