Das sieht immer mein Freund wenn ich ihn wecke hehehe
Das sieht immer mein Freund wenn ich ihn wecke hehehe
She stands and that is very important. Suprised the russian orks havent bombed it yet
“Ich bin der Satan Baby! Was dir jetzt stünde, ist eine kleine Sünde!”
Where my fellas at?!
The romans never had a salut like that
Season 2025 of the second phase of earth is sooo facinating!
Then lets go raiding the USA!
Funny how indi got me into science
Autism has nothing to do with how he acts. Dont push that crap “he is autistic thats why he acts that way”
They can get happy
Yes! Hemp for clothing! I want this to happen so badly!
But as soon as you bring that up people always go like “oh you only want it for weed” not knowing that hemp is different than the one that makes you high!
Tom Tailor is amazing! German Brand with seat in Hamburg.
Their jeans are really great, though double price than C&A
But durable and comfortable
It is a song by spitting britain about apparthaid south afrika and the racists
I boycot them because of both!