• 13 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 1st, 2023

  • Hahaha the production lead actually suggested that I might have been sick and coughed germs onto the sample sponge or that the sponges themselves were already contaminated during manufacturing, because every single sample showed high counts of pseudomonas.

    Maybe instead she should start listening to us when we tell her that production equipment from 1970 might not be sufficient to run a food production with the hygiene requirements of today. But no, replacing that would cost more money than just taking samples over and over until the results are low enough (probably because by the 37th swab I cleaned the surface better than the production workers)

  • Thanks for the explanation. I don’t understand enough about large language models to give a valuable judgement on this whole Deepseek happening from a technical standpoint. I think it’s excellent to have competition on the market and it feels that the US’ whole “But they’re spying on you and being a national security risk” is a hypocritical outcry when Facebook, OpenAI and the like still exist.

    What do you think about Deepseek? If I understood correctly, it’s being trained on the output of other LLMs, which makes it much more cheap but, to me it seems, also even less trustworthy because now all the actual human training data is missing and instead it’s a bunch of hallucinations, lies and (hopefully more often than not) correctly guessed answers to questions made by humans.

  • I absolutely agree that voting based on policies would be the better way. This is honestly how I cast my vote here in Germany every time. The only parties I inherently strike off my list are the big three (CDU/CSU, SPD, FDP) because they’ve been found to definitely be corrupt and didn’t actually follow-through on so many policies. And the AFD because they are the new NPD (which were the new NSDAP).

    Every other party is up for grabs and I check their general “mission statement” as well as their statements and planned policies to see if it aligns with my beliefs. I literally have no clue who the politicians are and don’t care as long as they stay true to their policies.

    Getting this good overview on multiple topics by this many parties is made easier thanks to the Wahl-O-Mat (Elect-O-Mat) that is set up for the major elections. In it, you put in your position on the relevant topics and not only do you see a numerical score of how your views compare to any other parties’ but also can you (and are encouraged to) read through each party’s detailed response to any particular topic.

  • Most of the ghosts at Hogwarts in Harry Potter seem to either actively enjoy being a ghost or at least not mind it and just carry on doing stuff (like assist the pupils)

    That aside, plenty stories have the ghost relive the moments before their death involuntarily, over and over. So for them it’s nothing they can control.

    But I’m with you: If I were not trapped in this deathloop (or bound to one location) and were able to be seen by other humans, I would definitely not be gloomy, once I got over the fact that I died and can no longer interact in all the usual ways with my spouse and dogs. Even if I could not do crazy telekinetic stuff, I could at least wander nature, haunt bad politicians and give my spouse inside knowledge, which she can possibly make a lot of money from to buy a house for us.

  • If not in folders, how would you suggest we organize data on computers so that it’s easily findable without needing keyword searches all the time? Because I can guarantee that I’m not the only one who would remember the keyword for a specific song or government document right until the moment when I need it and then I will forget what any of the set keywords/tgs were or be so vague with the tags that it feels like searching for something specific on pinterest

  • Swastikas, okay. Happy merchant, sure. But how is Pepe an alt right symbol now? I read half of an article about it which seems to conclude that it depends on the context the meme is being used in. If it’s by a nazi in their username, it’s a nazi symbol, wow. To me this feels like “serial killers often ate bread for breakfast, so all of Germany is now a dogwhistle for serial killers.”

    Edit: Alright, I’m super late in this edit but I see that I’m (partly) wrong here. Not sure if people who reply to a comment are notified when that comment has been edited (if not, it should do that!), but thank you a lot for the input. My understanding now is tht it’s a quite complicated issue and, depending on the audience, it’s certainly being used and understood as Nazi symbol.