
One of them Carpenter nerd types.

  • 15 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 7th, 2023


  • I’m pretty sure my issue overall is that I didn’t dislike smoking. I was never really a heavy smoker either, the worst I ever got was a half pack (about 10) in a day, and those days were fairly rare.

    The smell while not exactly good reminds me of my (now passed) grandmother, which I’d say is generally tied for the worst part. The other main issue being the health issues, and yeah. I quit mostly because of those and my general dislike for being addicted to anything at all. I quit coffee after the first caffeine headache, and if I find myself crutching on anything else, I tend to cut it out too. Currently working on most sugars, and cutting back on carbs some.

  • I would assume that there are different ‘reasons’ that cause the broader feel of asexuality. Mine is a complete apathy for the want or need of it. I can enjoy making others feel good, such as giving them a massage in a normal way. I can feel that my work towards helping them feel good is rewarding in and of itself.

    I figured out my side of things when after being with my partner for many years I was getting increasingly frustrated that while they were able to enjoy the experience for what seemed perpetual, my side of things remained the same, regardless of whatever was done. To feel the same for oral or penetrative felt like something was wrong to me so I started looking around at other types of options. I did whatever appealed to me but in the end none of it changed anything for me.

    For other people, they may have a different kind of situation where the act in any form is uncomfortable which can be a personality quirk or in some a complete lack of empathy. Something that is blocking them from experiencing what is in effect a ‘really intense massage’ that some people crave. I’m not going to try and list all the various societal/personal/learned behaviors people have about sex across the globe which may play a part in their enjoyment/need/desire for sex.

    Edit: cleaned up a small section I wasn’t happy with and I was hurrying at the end of my lunch break to try and get all the words out. And Also:

    Anecdotally, I’ve been very lucky to have moved many places and seen many things, met many people on a close enough level that knowing how often they sought sexual activity. I know some people who are obsessed with getting some, some who are relatively indifferent, and others who equate it to a smooth drink at the end of a good night. All over the place in terms of how much they focus on it.

    After realizing that I may very well be ace in my own right, other little puzzle pieces started to fit together. I was in a long distance relationship with my high-school sweetheart after high-school for about 5 years. I had no issues with lacking any kind of intimate touch, my partner needed it and despite all that cheating stigma, went ahead and found some anyways. It was important enough to them that waiting for someone to appear once every 6ish months wasn’t an option for them. I didn’t understand it then… because again, I had no issues waiting that long or longer. I would talk to them almost everyday and that was more than enough for me.

  • Much like anything else, being asexual is a spectrum. It took me a very long time to figure out I was and that’s because I personally didn’t get any physical satisfaction out of sex, but I enjoyed the part where I made my partner absolutely melt with pleasure. Feeling romantic or emotional pleasure from sex is not uncommon, especially when coupled with someone who gets a ton of pleasure from it. That being said, I haven’t had sex in over a year, and from the way things look, I’m not going to for a very long time. I won’t say it’s voluntary though it’s definitely not because my partner doesn’t want to.

  • I rotate my password every 6 months at this point. It’s about as secure as a human who wants to remember a password could be. It’s 20+ characters with all the various password needed inclusions.

    And yeah, I can access it through an external application without issue. But if I ever want to change settings or make new email rules it becomes an issue.

  • In all my days, the two most hated comments I dropped were:

    1. Explaining that traveling specific speeds is not inherently less safe, but that context of conditions and location heavily change how safe we feel.

    2. Attempting to give someone a free trip across the country so that I could have a body to assign one of her three cats to, since it was just after covid and finding any way to get a cat across the country was strangely difficult or exceptionally expensive. Apparently I’m a terrible person for not including a place to stay, or a return trip, or anything? Like… I’m trying to save money getting a cat across the country, why would I then spend more money for someone I literally don’t know? It was more of a ‘please help get cat from a to b, I’ll pay for it’ Ended up dragging my wife with me for the third person because people were being weird and angry about it.

  • I haven’t dabbled in the market just yet. I should have awhile back. I just wanted to get a feel for the game, see the options available to me and then maybe have some idea of what to trade for.

    For my merc, a decent crossbow with a useful implicit is obvious enough, but aside from that and more skill support slots, I don’t really know what I should be focusing on. It’s one of the reasons I haven’t been trading at all yet. The other two are still very much in the campaign crunch and don’t need any trade just yet.

    I’m a bit lost on where I want my sorc to go… I thought I had a plan, but attempting it didn’t work out at all, so I took a break from her in act 1b to gather myself and have a good think about it.

    And I wanted to try a bonk man, so I made one. Outside of the act 2 boss I ran into last night, I’ve been cruising through pretty nicely. Nothing else has even been a blip on the difficulty radar.

    Update: I augmented my flask with another modifier and managed to squeak out a win. It wasn’t pretty, but it did work. And since then I have had no issues. My dps is ever so slightly dropping off, but I can still clear the room in a couple attacks, and in a few more levels my attack will be back on the rise.

  • Since it’s really only the one attack that gets me, you’d think that’d work… But he uses it much too frequently for that.

    I struggled a bit with my mercenary the first time through, breezed with my sorc, and now with a warrior who has the absolute highest dps of any class I’ve used so far is having the most struggles because dodging that attack at close range is damned near impossible. The guy can spin in a complete 180 in a split second to catch you with it if you’re in his face. It has a charge up, and you’d think I’d know to gtfo, but with everything else that’s going on, it’s a bit tricky to avoid the massive aoe line it forms.

    I’ll probably just grab the 140ish energy shield unique helmet from storage to help cheese it a bit.

  •*Permanently Deleted*
    2 months ago

    I recently purchased Affinity photo, which did most of what I used to use Adobe for. No subscription, one time purchase, and I’ll likely never need to worry about that again.

    I tried gimp a few times and found it frustrating to use.