• 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 3rd, 2023


  • CheeseBread@lemmy.mlto196Enginee(r)ule
    7 months ago

    See, I wanted to major in math over engineering because engineering has less math. My husband is an engineer and he does very little math on a daily basis. The software does all the calculations when he runs simulations.

  • The first time I can look back at growing up and pinpoint dysphoria was the onset of puberty. It felt so wrong, like it shouldn’t have been happening to me. I felt trapped in someone else’s body. I remember reading the diary of Ann Frank, and she was happy to get her period and be a woman. That concept was so foreign to me. Why would anyone want to be a woman if they didn’t have to? I got a period, and I felt dread. I knew my mom had a hysterectomy, and I knew that’s exactly what I wanted as soon as possible. I have always known that I would get sterilized. The thought of birthing children and getting pregnant made me feel sick and uneasy. I wished it weren’t possible. I wished I didn’t have to.

    As I grew to be a “woman,” I had a deep hatred for what I felt I had to be. I didn’t want to be a man. I just wanted to be a default person. I didn’t want to be perceived masculine or feminine. When I was a young child, I didn’t feel like a pretty little girl. I felt like just a kid. A lot of girls played with other girls and boys with other boys. I never felt like I belonged anywhere, but is that dysphoria or is that growing up as an outsider?

    I remember thinking about cutting out my uterus while it was bleeding. I felt it shouldn’t be there, and I needed to get rid of it. That was totally dysphoria. There’s nothing like that when I was younger that I can remember.

  • Keep advocating for yourself. Don’t let anyone convince you that you have to take whatever hormones or have whatever surgery. My transition worked out way better when I found a doctor willing to listen to my troubles and recommended treatment that aligned with my goals. I think surgery saved my life. I had 3 suicide attempts before it and 0 since. The difference in the quality of life is like night and day.

  • It’s seriously so stupid. I wish people by default didn’t have a gender and got to pick instead of being assigned one at birth. My puberty landed me in the hospital. My sex organs are just completely fucked. I’d been in pain regularly for 13 years, complaining to so many doctors that just didn’t take me seriously. I wasn’t even out as nonbinary the whole time, only the past three years. I got bottom surgery this summer and I don’t take hormones anymore. I used to diy hormones because it’s just too god damn hard to get the prescribed. I asked my GP for a referral to the most liberal doctor that would give me that surgery, but there was a lot of failure before that.

  • Porn addiction is real, and watching porn can have more harm than just puritanical bullshit. Most people that I’ve watched looking at porn don’t just find a video a watch it start to finish. They watch multiple videos, fast forwarding to their favorite parts. Delayed gratification is good for you. Also, porn doesn’t accurately depict what sex is like. It can give you fucked up expectations of what sex should be.

    If you watch so much porn that you can’t have an orgasm without watching it, if you are only aroused by porn that can’t exist in real life, if you stop having sex with a partner to instead only masturbate to porn, if you find yourself constantly watching porn even at inappropriate times, if the amount of porn you watch decreases your quality of life… That’s addiction.

    I think that masturbating is healthy and good for human sexuality, but I think a lot of people could benefit from masturbating differently. Try reading or using your imagination or even just masturbating meditatively, focusing on sensations.

  • I moved to a new state a month ago, and I haven’t made any new friends yet. Before, I had weekly scheduled hangouts. I usually always contact my friends first, but sometimes someone will send me a meme without warning. Usually, I text people a dad joke, and I talk to them about stuff. My only complaint is that I don’t see anyone anymore because I live in a new state. I want to start weekly board game nights back up. The more I reach out to my friends, the more they connect with me.