• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 3rd, 2023


  • I’m not implying that we’re basement dwellers, but the fact is that even a factory worker in the US (which I once was) lives a sedentary lifestyle compared to countries where agriculture is extracted. If you ever do an accompaniment with a Zapatista family you will see just how built different they are from the hard work they need to do from childhood.

    Edit to add more: This is a pattern most US internationals experience when going out to revolutionary projects like those in the YPG/YPJ, Chiapas, and all the other ones. You can take the most built westerner and they will crumble before a comrade the same age who grew up in the harsher conditions. I’ve seen a man in his prime with tree trunks for arms and abs that could break melons ask for constant breaks while the fairly average looking Zapatista comrades could go for the full 12 hours with only 2-3. It’s just what they’re used to.

  • As someone that lives on a commune, homesteading isn’t real. At least in the imperial core of the US. It is nearly impossible to come out ahead homesteading in the US. Feed prices, hay, the back breaking labor of sowing and reaping entire fields just cannot compare with the affordability of the exploited labor of the third world, the factory farms, and the acres of hay fields.

    Homesteading is a great way to learn skills and to build character, but it isn’t profitable in the US without several people holding normal jobs on top of the work. You will in all likelihood drown. The reason you see all those white people on YouTube talking about their homesteads and how close it makes them feel to nature is because they got money coming from somewhere else, and as somebody who has met some of these people it’s usually because they’re landlords or incredibly overpaid for a remote job.

    Urban farming also has it’s drawbacks but I am less qualified to speak on that. What I will say is that you cannot get rid of rural farming and feed the cities, the land just is not there for it. The community gardens are great and a fantastic starting point, but you’re not even close to making bread for a small household in the community garden plot.

    Homesteading and traditional land practices are coming to an end, if we are not already there. Agricultural land use is now all about monocultures that grow a metric fuckton of grain. Maybe there’s some orchards, those are less extractive. But traditional land practices are moving out of the way for tractors and excessive tilling and ploughing. Whenever I leave the farm all I see everywhere is shit land practices, people putting plastic in the ground to separate their beds from the disgusting peasant dirt under it, and invasive plants everywhere that no one bats an eye to, ecosystems out here are dying.

    The ecosystems are dying but it simply is not sustainable to even do anything about it. Plus the land all belongs to the bourgeoisie who know the true value of factory farming and monocultures, making it prohibitively expensive for an eco- conscious proletariat. Even then when you do get the land, our sedentary imperial lives do not make our bodies strong for the labor we need to do, unlike the Zapatista comrades who can dig trenches for hours a day everyday. It destroys your body for years before it begins to feel normal. But despite all of this taking care of the land is a hellish feat that has to be done, lest we collect our grains from sand instead.

  • Semi-related: "Monika Ertl was the daughter of a Nazi propagandist who had fled to Bolivia. For this reason she grew up surrounded by her family’s Nazi friends.

    Among these nefarious characters were people like the head of the Gestapo, Klaus Barbie, also known as the “Butcher of Lyon”, who according to British director Kevin Macdonald orchestrated the assassination of Guevara.

    Monika cut ties with her fascist family and moved closer to communist militancy. She was deeply moved by the assassination of Che Guevara in 1967, which led her to join the Bolivian National Liberation Army (ELN), which Che led before his death.

    Under her new nom de guerre, “Imilla,” she worked with Che’s former comrades to hunt down his assassin. In 1971, Monika arrived in the German city of Hamburg, where she searched for Pereira, who worked at the Bolivian Consulate.

    Once she found him, Monika executed Che’s assassin with three shots in the chest. When she escaped, she left her wallet, a wig, a revolver and a piece of paper with the words “Victory or Death - ELN”.

    It did not take long for the Bolivian dictatorship, backed by the United States, to demand her head and put a $20,000 reward on anyone who captured her dead or alive. However, Monika successfully returned to Bolivia with more targets in mind, including her family’s Nazi friends.

    As expected, her death was not long in coming. It was in 1973, when CIA-trained special units ambushed and assassinated her in the city of La Paz. Her body was never found. For her heroic deed, Monika was nicknamed “Che’s avenger”."

  • We don’t support Russia and China for moral reasons, we don’t even believe that Russia is communist. What you’re talking about is critical support, and it’s not us saying “yeah man let’s go die for a Russian oligarch.” What we support is resistance against US & NATO imperialism, which is where Russia and China position themselves. It is not a moral judgement. They (Russia & China) are essentially the last main powers capable of fending off US & NATO expansionism, if they fail to create a truly multi-polar political climate then we will see the most bleak future of capitalism.

    We recognize that the war between Russia and Ukraine does not serve the interests of the working class. We recognize it as a proxy war between NATO and Russia.

    If you’re going to critique our viewpoints please do it in good faith.