This account has other very informative and interesting threads on various subjects, i recommend browsing through and reading a few of them.

    1 year ago

    Semi-related: "Monika Ertl was the daughter of a Nazi propagandist who had fled to Bolivia. For this reason she grew up surrounded by her family’s Nazi friends.

    Among these nefarious characters were people like the head of the Gestapo, Klaus Barbie, also known as the “Butcher of Lyon”, who according to British director Kevin Macdonald orchestrated the assassination of Guevara.

    Monika cut ties with her fascist family and moved closer to communist militancy. She was deeply moved by the assassination of Che Guevara in 1967, which led her to join the Bolivian National Liberation Army (ELN), which Che led before his death.

    Under her new nom de guerre, “Imilla,” she worked with Che’s former comrades to hunt down his assassin. In 1971, Monika arrived in the German city of Hamburg, where she searched for Pereira, who worked at the Bolivian Consulate.

    Once she found him, Monika executed Che’s assassin with three shots in the chest. When she escaped, she left her wallet, a wig, a revolver and a piece of paper with the words “Victory or Death - ELN”.

    It did not take long for the Bolivian dictatorship, backed by the United States, to demand her head and put a $20,000 reward on anyone who captured her dead or alive. However, Monika successfully returned to Bolivia with more targets in mind, including her family’s Nazi friends.

    As expected, her death was not long in coming. It was in 1973, when CIA-trained special units ambushed and assassinated her in the city of La Paz. Her body was never found. For her heroic deed, Monika was nicknamed “Che’s avenger”."