Sorry for the super sporadic posting. Still in the process of moving and everything. I am giving updates on my Mastodon and ! if anyone is interested but there’s really no reason to be.

Hope everyone has a fantastic Friday. Live long and prosper, you glorious bastards.

  • @ThatFembyWho
    514 months ago

    Ahahaha me (Shy Girl) saving up years’ worth of confidence to overcome anxiety, but waste it ALL on someone who mentions their s/o 30 seconds into the conversation. Every. Single. Time x.X

      454 months ago

      It’s not wasted, it’s practice!

      Don’t let that part of your brain that wants to inhibit you win on this one. You tried, but the dude wasn’t available, so it doesn’t even count! Now you get to try again!

      • @ThatFembyWho
        33 months ago

        Well you know, sometimes you meet people and there’s a chemistry, and you’re maybe not sure what kind it is.

        Before I can advance my interest, I discover they’re off the market anyway. More friendzoning than formal rejection. Not that I mind having friends.

      144 months ago

      Rejection is a huge win.

      Rejection means you tried!

      Seek endorphins from the “no” (or the “I have a borlfriend”), if you can… they give you a pat on the back. Feel a little guilty when you waste opportunities, and have to wonder what if I’d asked.

      Certain rejection over possible yet unknown acceptance! :)

  • Semi-Hemi-Lemmygod
    364 months ago

    I went to Fire Island last year with a bunch of LGBTQ+ friends. Got hit on a ton, and they were all understanding when they realized I, sadly, did not swing that way. Even the guy who opened with “I wanna lick your asshole.”

  • magnetosphere
    354 months ago

    Years ago, I had the same experience as Random Guy. As a straight high schooler, I totally wasn’t expecting another guy to hit on me. It had never happened before. I was surprised to find that I was flattered. To be honest, I was kinda weirded out, too, but mostly I was flattered. He was a nice guy.

    • BlanketsWithSmallpox
      24 months ago

      Maybe just be polite next time and give the next guy who tries the ol reach around. It’s good to have them build up confidence.

    334 months ago

    I went with some friends to a gay club to watch one perform. A guy hit on me. He was polite, endearingly awkward and asked if I had any interest in playing video games and making out. Dude was really good looking too.

    For real, I was so jealous at that moment and I wanted nothing more than for dick to be my thing. Some of y’all have this shit all figured out

    • StametsOP
      4 months ago

      Sometimes just playing games and kissing boys is all the world needs

    204 months ago

    I was at a gay bar with some friends and the bartender bought me a shot and we did one together. It was super awkward for me. Not because being hit on by another man was awkward, but only because nobody had ever bought me a drink before and I honestly didn’t know what to do. I took the shot and happily chatted with him for a few mins before returning to my friends. I hope he doesn’t think I was rude.

    154 months ago

    I didn’t know shy guys could talk, I thought they just made little grunts from under their white masks and red hoods

    4 months ago

    r/thathappened ?

    EDIT: I think 99% of feel good stories on the internet is fake . I too would love to believe they are not but sometimes you have to accept the facts even tho its dissapointing .

    EDIT : I get that things like this may happen it is just online one written like this is made solely to win the poster internet points if you can’t see that you may as well believe in greentext. Also no more cheap shots i am an atheist lefty who believe in that everyone should be able live as they wish as long as it doesn’t harm anyone and i do fight for that .

      204 months ago

      Nah this is common, in the US at least. Details lending credence:

      1. Complimenter is a dude: gay men tend to be more forward than straight women.
      2. Complimenter over-apologizing: gaydar error is a simple mistake but straight men occasionally bristle, hence the backpedal.
      3. OP was chill: straight men who look put together enough to clock as queer don’t find it necessary to overreact IME.
        64 months ago

        I get that things like this may happen it is just online one written like this is made solely to win the poster internet points .

          4 months ago

          I hear you, like “hey guys guess what I’m attractive” type of posts

          Edit: just saw your edit above. I wouldn’t interpret those downvotes as anything more than “disagree.” Your current post reads as just skeptical, not homophobic or anything.

              54 months ago

              OK I just read the adjacent threads. It appears other users were being somewhat overly aggressive and hyperbolic in their disagreement with your opinion, but it also looks like you doubled down and escalated when you didn’t have to, and ended up taking on multiple people unnecessarily.

              Free advice:

              1. When someone comes at you, online or IRL, the winning move is usually to defuse, de-escalate, or just walk away, rather than trading blows (incendiary remarks), and barring that to use your opponent’s momentum (let them do most of the talking). This is especially true when outnumbered.
              2. Doing the opposite easily turns a tussle into a brawl and can feel like bullying, as you find yourself ganged up on, when in reality you inadvertently aggressed others yourself.
              3. There’s no reason to puff up or get defensive when someone disagrees with you, criticizes you, or even insults you. If you’re right, you don’t have to prove it to anyone, and if you’re wrong, so what? We’re all wrong sometimes. You can just say “oh I see” or “yeah good point” and be done with it.
              4. A single encounter means nothing. You learn what you can and move on. Usually others already have.
              5. Also be aware that mentioning green text puts people on edge (read: can make them prejudicial of your ideological stance) because 4chan is a notoriously toxic social sphere.

              Good luck

    • StametsOP
      164 months ago

      I’m not sure what’s so hard to believe about people just being polite, but okay.

        4 months ago

        No offense but 99% of feel good stories on internet are fake . I would love to believe so too believe me but it just isn’t the case.

        • StametsOP
          4 months ago

          No offense but 99% of feel good stories on internet are fake

          Well, you very quickly have proven yourself to be talking out of your ass. What an insane statistic to try and push. There are no studies that back that up. It’s entirely based off of your feelings, intuition and opinion. Forgive me if I trust them about as far as I can throw a digital concept.

          I would love to believe so too believe me but it just isn’t the case.

          Again. No proof, no studies, no nothing. Just pure garbage conjecture, textbook reddit behavior (to the point of even mentioning a subreddit) and cynicism. I’ll pass, thanks. I left reddit. I don’t need to see the same nonsense here. Goodbye.

            4 months ago

            Oh you are the kind of guy to believe greentexts are real aren’t you ? Anyway idc i can believe what i want you can believe what you want. Also i am not interested in further argument with an internet rando please keep believing what you want and try not to disturb me.

            • Hominine
              4 months ago

              The medical health quip(?) you posted above is a neat summation.

                24 months ago

                So you can see into the future now . You realky are above us mortals cause you posted a comment as a reply before i even made it ? Do you got any self respect left i feel dirty talking to you.

                • Hominine
                  34 months ago

                  So don’t talk to me, what’s so hard about that?

      • StametsOP
        4 months ago

        For real. I have literally had an interaction like this in my life. This isn’t that uncommon. Why that user is so insistent that everything nice is fake and nothing is real is beyond me. Just bizarre.

        84 months ago

        It’s not that its far fetched its just…the way its written. I mean I have literally been in this situation as a straight dude so yes, this happens lol.

        But this post just sounds like tumblr crap.

        A compliment is a compliment no matter who it comes from.

        This just feels like ‘and here is the moral of the story dear reader’

              64 months ago

              It’s needless negativity. It feels like an attempt to smother any possibility that there might be happiness elsewhere in the world. In short: it sucks keep it to yourself.

                4 months ago

                That’s what it is to you. Thats a very strange over the top reaction as well. All people are saying, at least me, can’t speak for the other guy is…while yes…things like this do happen (and have happened to me) this particular post is pretty poorly written and feels like typical tumblr reblog bait. Good things happen. That doesn’t mean we cant look at a very poorly written ‘good thing’ story and say ‘yeah that probably didn’t happen’.

                It feels like an attempt to smother any possibility that there might be happiness elsewhere in the world

                I’m sorry, but do you always go through life assuming the worst of people like this? This is the single most negative thing I have seen in this thread so far.

                  4 months ago

                  You’re right, that was over the top. It was an exaggeration as a poor attempt to make my point, and I did that because I felt you were deliberately avoiding answering my initial question. I apologize for my ineptness in making my point.

                  (The point was it doesn’t matter if this story is fake even if someone made it to farm internet clout.)

        4 months ago

        Yep like you said in your own words “story” because it is written like one which would get the poster the most likes

            34 months ago

            The part were everyone clapped and the bartender was albert einstein. Don’t be a cheap shot i know what you are getting at and no i am a leftist atheist and believes everyone should have their freedom . I hope you could get the medical help you need to get rid of such a dark mind .

              34 months ago

              I wasn’t “getting” at anything, I was genuinely asking what about the story upset you so much.

              Based on your answer you are upset by the story because you believe it to be fake? If I’m correct, why is that?

            • Hominine
              4 months ago

              I hope you could get the medical help you need

              Wow, the call is definitely coming from inside the house on this one.

                24 months ago

                Really am i the one who can’t take a thing without accusing people of being an homophobe ? Everyone who spents five minutes on my history can see that i am not . Now cry as all you know are the insults you memorised in high school and can’t make a solid argument.

                • Hominine
                  24 months ago

                  Again with the projection. If it’s all you have then so be it.

      74 months ago

      I’m sure you don’t believe me either, but when my friend came out in his early 20s I went with him to gay bars like a half dozen times to show support. Every time I would get compliments, and it was really a pleasant exchange like this except instead of girlfriend being around I let them know I was there to help a friend feel comfortable.

      Two times they bought me a drink, and I was never made to feel unwelcome since I was there to be supportive.

      Plus the compliments really did make me feel good about myself.

        44 months ago

        Even my sorry ass has experienced this …sorta kinda… once, but no drinks, and only one person sort of maybe seemed to be interested … a little. Or maybe I was just imagining it…

        Damn now I don’t feel so good about myself 😂

    83 months ago

    About 5 or so years ago I was walking around the downtown area of my city with my wife on a night out. Temperature dropped lower than I had expected so we stopped into a local clothing store and I bought a light jacket real quick.

    After the transaction I pulled out my pocket knife, flipped it open, and cut the tags off and shoved them in the pockets before putting the knife away.

    Guy that helped me find the jacket and rung me up responded to that with, “That was hot!” Then gasped and said, “Did I just say that out loud?!” and blushed.

    I looked at him and said thank you and smiled and my wife told him that it was ok. We all laughed then and we left.

    Gotta love friendly stuff like this.

    • StametsOP
      63 months ago

      They weren’t wrong. That is kinda hot

  • Armok: God of Blood
    44 months ago

    Better than the drunk dude that grabbed my beard at the bar. I tried to be polite, but it made me so uncomfortable.