Lame sauce. Can our elected officials just freaking decriminalize weed instead of worrying about dumb crap like this?

    1 年前

    Hey guys I’m not from America but I do hate fascists as do both of you.

    It hurts to see you fighting each other instead of our shared enemy.

    Gotta try and find a way to mend fences here my dudes.

    How can I @ the other user from this post?

    • EldritchFeminity
      1 年前

      Don’t bother, he’ll just take offense at you trying. If you look at the other comments, I and several others tried to point out how hypocritical he’s being victim-blaming the people doing the things he says they’re lazy for not doing when he himself gave up, and he just became more and more belligerent. Here, he made fun of a guy’s wife who has disabling chronic pain and accused him of “voter suppression” because of it. In another comment, he made fun of women no longer having access to abortion. He’s not looking to fix things, just a target so he can make himself feel better.

      He came in here to hate Texans and nothing you or I say will change his heart. You can’t fix that any more than you can compromise with fascists.