Lately I have been listening to the album “The Blessed Unrest” by Sara Bareilles.

From “I Choose You” being the song my wife and I chose to walk down the aisle to (before my egg cracked) to that same beautiful woman playing “Brave” for me - giving me strength to come out as trans to family. This album has become a staple in my transition and it’s easy to see my self throughout it’s lyrics and melodies.

“Hercules” is also a good song about pleading for inner strength - which for me, means becoming my authentic self as Olivia. Here is a verse from that song that resonates with me:

I’ve lost a grip on where I started from
 I wish I’d thought ahead and left a few crumbs I’m on the hunt for who I’ve not yet become But I’d settle for little equilibrium
 There is a war inside my heart gone silent Both sides dissatisfied and somewhat violent The issue I have now begun to see
 I am the only lonely casualty

  • Emily (she/her)M
    1 year ago

    Lately “She Likes a Boy” by Nxdia. I also got turned onto a bunch of trans-ish brit-pop from reading “Little Blue Encyclopedia (for Vivian)” (highly recommend).

    • oNeviaOPM
      1 year ago

      Ooo trans-ish brit pop sounds like just my jam! If you have any recommendations in that would be fantastic :D

      Also, will def check out the book! Really itching to get back into reading lately so this sounds like the perfect opportunity

      • Emily (she/her)M
        1 year ago

        There are way more mentions in the book, but one prominent song that I think can be read really trans is “Mis-shapes” by Pulp. A bunch of Suede can be read the same way as well!

        I really liked Little Blue, it’s framing is super interesting (the main character explores their relationship and love for a fellow trans lady Vivian through a shared interest in a (fictional) show called “Little Blue”). Also highly recommend “A Safe Girl to Love” (or any of Casey Plett’s work), its a bunch of short stories so easy to get into, as well as Nevada!!!