The Fedipact statistics are interesting

7% of active users committed to #fedipact -

* How representative of the user base is this, or are admins gatekeeping here? A large survey would be good to clear that up.

* EG, Mastodon, relative to its userbase, seems the most “Meta friendly” with only 57% of fedipact users (but ~80% all users)

* Fractal of niche-dom? Fedi ~1% of social media, fedi-pact ~ 10% of fedi. So anti-meta-fediverse ~0.1%?


  • Jon
    1 year ago

    There was an interesting pair of polls last summer about reactions to Threads and Tumblr. 66% of the respondents were either opposed to or alarmed by Threads federating, and only 10% were supportive. By contrast, only 15% were opposed to or alarmed by Tumblr, and 39% were supportive. It’s just one data point but still interesting!