Still playing Paper Mario. And that’s all I am playing. Finished chapter 3, and am currently someways in chapter 4.
What about you? What have all of you been playing?
I found a used copy of Crypt of the Necrodancer last weekend and picked it up on a whim. I had no clue I’d be so bad at it. Hoping to get a little better this weekend.
Yeah, I have heard the game is pretty tough. It has always appealed to me, never got it because of the rhythm features, I am very bad at rhythm games.
It’ll get better overtime I heard but I had the same experience you had. No clue I’d be that bad at this.
Crash bandicoot 4 and octopath traveller. Not too far into either.
Last weekend we wanted to check out Mortal Kombat 1 again and have some fights, but it needed a massive 1 hour+ update. So we ended up playing MK 11 instead. We did play MK 1 later, and though there seem to be some improvements, this game still sucks on the Switch! I’m almost hoping for a version for whatever the next Nintendo console is, hopefully it’ll be more optimized and it’s more powerful hardware. I tried playing the story campaign and even the video freezes every now and then. Right now I wouldn’t suggest anyone to get Mortal Kombat 1 on Switch…
I’m playing Trip World DX since I got the physical version from Limited Run this week. I’ll probably finish it this weekend, it’s a fairly short game.
I’ve also been playing Donkey Kong Country again, once I finish it I’ll continue with the two other SNES ones. I started playing Donkey Kong Land on the Game Boy before that. But although it’s an amazing port, I don’t think I can stand it to the end 😅
Sad to heard about MK1, hope they improve it soon.
Trip World DX looks nice, gives me a kit of Kirby vibes. Will check it out.
Donkey Kong Country games are tough. I have only finished the first one. Started the second one but paused it and never went back, maybe I should try it again.
Trip World DX is almost like a Kirby homage, except they originally came out the same year! The character designs are in a similar style, the main character shapeshifts into different forms, and it’s pretty simple and easy. I’d say the graphics are quite more detailed, that’s what caught my attention. Let me know what you think after you’ve played it!
With my backlog, it might be a while, but will let you know whenever I do! 😀
Playing… nothing. :( Well, I did beat the last boss and finish Minoria, but that’s about it.
Oh. That doesn’t sound too much fun. Go play something!
There’s a long holiday next week so I probably will. :)
I’m thinking about finally starting Okami. I’ve only bought it, uh, twice over the last 15 years! Any advice on which version to actually invest my time in, Switch or Wii? Reviews seem to prefer the HD remaster and tout the improved visuals, but many also emphasize the touchscreen support (whereas if I go with the Switch version I’d likely be playing it docked). But my Wii still runs like a champ, and I would like to spend more time using it…
Without knowing anything about Okami’s versions, I don’t mind playing “lesser” version of the game, as long as it plays well. Like I often go with Switch version of the game, even if PS5 version is available, as long as the Switch version performs well.
Unless of course it’s a game that benefits greatly from better visuals.
Was playing a bunch of MH World, and MH Rise. Turns out when you have friends, who are not only just fun to play with, but also teach you stuff that you got yelled at about last time, they’re excellent games
Haha, fully agreed. Unless they are super high level and just carry you, then it’s not so much fun. I did enjoy playing it solo too.
I was ahead in Rise, they’re really far ahead in World. We mostly balanced it out to the point where each of us still has to work for the hunt being completed
Planetside 2. It’s really really impressive. If you liked the big onslaught matches on UT2004 it’s the same but better. Also I heard it’s comparable with bf3 & bf4 in that sense.
Nice. I am not much of a MP fan so never paid any attention to it. How is it’s monetization?
Did not spend anything and I’m having a lot of fun. Basically, starter stuff (weapons, vehicles, sidearms, …) Is the best stuff.
That’s good to know.
DayZ standalone. Playing Vigor just made me want to go back to DayZ 😅
Heh, is Vigor that bad?
It’s sitting in a base waiting for matchmaking, then risking gear to get more gear and escape.