So we’ve played a little MTGA online so we’re a little comfortable with the game but have no idea how to get into physical cards.

We’re interested in having mainly only LoTR ones but weren’t sure what to buy at the store.

Online it looks like there’s starters and boosters but what would be the best way to get like a lot of LoTR mainly cards?


  • Coskii
    2 years ago

    Depends on why you want to get into paper magic. If it’s for different formats than what arena offers there are always other options.

    Truth be told I collect cards constantly, but I find myself playing through games like tabletop simulator more often than in person. It’s just so much easier to pop on a headset, load the game, join a discord call with three other waiting members and hop in game with any of my personal decks hosted on a site like moxfield.