The UK government are set on eroding any right to protest that is left. Please do anything you can. I don’t care what banner you do it under, just please do something.

Michel Forst, the UN Special Rapporteur on Environmental Defenders, has scalded the government for their draconian crackdown on any people trying to sound the alarm but as we’ve seen recently, there is no justice system and countries cannot and will not hold each-other to account. You can read his report here.

    1 year ago

    You don’t sound like you live in the UK. If that’s the case, I would recommend you go learn about the 2022 Police and Sentencing Act, which is a ridiculously Draconian piece of legislation that clamps down on people’s right to protest. Many human rights bodies have raised concerns about it, precisely because of the kind of disproportionate response to cases like OP’s.